Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 101 members · 91 stories
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Hey, after asking for your permission, as well as you helping me out on a few things, it's the least I can do.

Group Admin

There’s also a DS version of the game. Have you played it before? ‘Cause I definitely use that too for future references.

DS version? No I haven't heard of that one.

Group Admin

Nice. If you need help with proofreading for your fics, I can help you with that.

Group Admin

I understand. The DS cover version looks like this.

Great, I'll let you know when the time comes.:raritywink:

Group Admin

In the DS version, Sonic’s friends like Cream, Knuckles, and Shadow (just to name a few) appeared for side missions.

Hmmm, I see.
Does the DS versions have cutscenes as well? I'll also look into that one.

Group Admin

Not sure. Probably have to watch this video to find out for yourself.

Looks like your Equestria Ninja Girls Generation story is going to be very long, because an unexpected teaser came two days ago with a new content.

Group Admin

Sonic X Shadow Generations?

Um didn't they do a comic that shows how they finally defeated Robotnik and free mobius a while back?

I didn’t know about that

oh well now you know.

And you can read about on Archie sonic online.

Can you send a link to it please

Group Admin

Witches. What witches?

Hydia, Rika, and Dragyle from the original MLP movie

I remember seeing an image of those three on the idw comics. Not to mention I commented Amethyst of any G1 villains that are human and some that are mystic creatures long ago.

Just saw that top 10 pic up there and didn't see them. Just making sure because they're recognizable and it be funny to see 87 Shredder and Hydia bantering with each other

(yawn) Okay, well, we’ll discuss more later. It’s late.

Group Admin





I believe that the Turtles and Rainbooms can sing this song to Sonic and friends. A mashup of the original and E3 version called His World.

That could work actually, a song dedicated to Sonic and his friends.

How about when Sunset accidentally read Shadow's mind and saw what happened to Maria. And those two would have a heart to heart talk.

Shadow: Whatever, I'm not in the mood for...

Sunset Shimmer: I know about Maria.

Shadow stood there, stunned, but didn't show it. He looked at her with a corner of his eye and glared:

Shadow: How do you...?

Sunset Shimmer: I...have the ability to read minds. But only by physical touch, and before you say anything, sometimes I don't have control over it as it just happens, and sometimes I do have it in control.

Shadow kept his glare on her, but didn't say anything.

Sunset Shimmer: Look, I'm not going to say I know how you felt for losing someone, but I know what it feels like to be lonely.

Shadow then moved to an opening where he stood and watched the night sky whilst crossing his arms. Sunset sat next to him as she looked up:

Sunset Shimmer: Back then, I was once a bully. All I ever cared about was power. I was once a student of a ruler of Equestria, my home. But I was too impatient, and ended up becoming cruel and dishonest. She told me to make friends, but I thought it was a waste of time, and boring. So when I was denied of it, I ran away. I didn't show it, but deep down she was right. I was lonely, but I thought I didn't need friends. But after a certain princess saved me from my own mistake, I realized what I did was wrong, and that I stayed behind instead of going home because I needed to atone for fixing my mistakes. I was lucky that the girls gave me a chance, but nobody else was. There were a lot of folks who used me as a scapegoat. My friends' sisters, Wallflower, Cozy Glow, a few others. Not everyone was going to forgive me or give me a chance, and some didn't believe me when I changed. And I remember a certain someone who was gone for a while who thought magic didn't exist (saw this on deviant and made it up). It was a lot of hard work, and I consider myself lucky.

She looked at Shadow:

Sunset Shimmer: You don't have to be alone anymore, Shadow. You know there are plenty of others who can show you that same kind of support. If you're willing to give it a chance.

Shadow said nothing as he looked up in the sky, with Sunset sighing, thinking that it was a lost cause as she looked ahead:

Shadow: They wouldn't understand.

Sunset looked at Shadow:

Shadow: Everyone else was ignorant of what happened to Maria. Their ignorance causes them to simply assume what they know is fact and prevents people from opening their eyes and considering just for a moment that not everything is what they seemed. *looks down* And most times they reek of it. That not everything is what they seem.

Shadow looked ahead as he continued:

Shadow: I didn't have parents, I had creators. One who wanted to find a way to save the life of someone precious and for me to be the savior. The other wanted me to deliver what he wanted to him and for me to be a destroyer. I was introduced to the one who the former wanted to save. She did more for me than anyone could imagine. She never got the chance to experience what the planet was like on the surface.

Sunset Shimmer: How come?

Shadow: She was born with the NIDS. And the Professor spent most of his life trying to find a cure. When I came along, he believed that I was meant to have the answer to her problems.

Shadow looked at Sunset:

Shadow: She didn't properly know all the things everyone takes for granted. She didn't know what it was like to have the wind blow past her, to see the blue sky above her, to just live. And she never got a chance due to GUN's ignorance. I tried to save her when they wanted to silence everyone who knew about me. And No matter what would happen, her safety was more important to me than anything. And yet.

Shadow closed his eyes and looked ahead:

Shadow: Do you know what it feels like to be ready to give your life for someone if it meant saving them, only for them to do it for you? Do you know how it feels to see someone who means more to you than anything lying there in front of you hurt, and you can do nothing but watch them die? I carried that hurt in me for years, no can ever understand that.

Sunset Shimmer: You're right, I wouldn't. *She looked at Shadow* But you don't have to be like this. And I don't mean to speak against her, but is this what she would've wanted?

Shadow looked at her:

Sunset Shimmer: Yes, you may have promised to protect this world and make everyone happy. But would it be so bad to have everyone in your life? I think Maria would've wanted you to be happy too. She would want you to have friends, folks who knew what you went through, what it's like to be alone. Sonic may not show it, but he does care, he cares enough to wanting to stand by your side.

Shadow: And yet because of that, Eggman kept escaping just to hurt others a lot more.

Sunset Shimmer: And what's the point of making the world a better place, if you can't show mercy? Being merciful isn't a sign of weakness, it's true strength. Otherwise we're no better than the people we fight...otherwise...you'd be no better than the one who took your only friend's life.

He looked at her with a glare:

Sunset Shimmer: All I'm saying is...you don't have to be alone anymore. You say you promised Maria to give the people a chance to be happy, but what about what you want? You don't have to be alone anymore Shadow. All I'm saying is...give it a chance.

Shadow kept looking at her for a bit, but in a way, he could see a bit of Maria in her, her caring side and her wanting people to be happy. He sighed a bit and looked ahead:

Shadow: I'm not sure.

Sunset Shimmer: Just...give it a chance. That's all I ask.

The two of them kept staring at the starry sky:

Shadow: If you tell anyone about this...

Suddenly he felt hugged, which caught him off guard. And saw Sunset giving him a hug:

Sunset Shimmer: Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me.

Shadow didn't say anything, but just kept staring at the sky. however, he slowly placed his right arm around her whilst he accepted it. It may not be much, but it's a start.

Group Admin

That was beautiful. Bravo! Bravo! 👏👏👏

Hehe, thanks. Sometimes I don't know where I keep coming up with these things.

Group Admin

And this could lead to the Shadow level where he faces Black Doom once more.

I love it! Maybe even a part where Shadow saves Sunset from death.

I'd even add a part where Maria sees Shadow with Splinter.

Any chance we could see E-123 Omega? He's my favorite character

Group Admin

Perhaps. Although I do wanna reference E-123 Gamma.

Group Admin

Right. Sorry for the mix-up.

You're fine.

I also like Team Dark moments. Just saying

Group Admin



I have been thinking about my upcoming fic, Equestria Ninja Girls and Sonic the Hedgehog: Generations, and where to place it in the timeline. Aside from that, it will be based on the Sonic Generations main storyline, but I also want to add more Sonic adventures in my fic. Like the boss battles from Sonic Frontiers, the Metal Sonic Overlord boss battle from Sonic Heroes, racing with the Babylon Rogues from Sonic Riders, a race from Team Sonic Racing, the seven rings from Sonic and the Seven Rings, and meeting counterparts along with the Merlina boss battle from Sonic and the Black Knight.

Aside from them, the story will also explore Shadow’s origins, which will be featured in the upcoming game, Sonic X Shadow: Generations. So, I will wait for that until the game comes out.

And that’s all I got.

Which Sonic story are you planning on making first?

If you plan to make a Sonic Generations story, it could have a reference to this.

Group Admin

I’m not going to copy the entire story from that. But, there can be a reference to that said story.

In the Sonic Colors Ultimate crossover, are you just going to have Donnie and Twilight be the ones to help Tails re-configure his hand held into a translator? Cause pretty soon I will be making a quote for one your stories.

Are you going to start with Sonic Colors? Just wondering.

just asking
In my animal world who would be bash for my 8 Vassal in Total War: Warhammer

Maybe list

Lizardmen - Mazdamundi
Lizardmen - Kroq-Ga
Lizardmen - Tehenhauin
Lizardmen - TIKTAQ'TO
Lizardmen - Nakai the Wanderer
Lizardmen - Gor-Rok
Lizardmen - Oxyotl
Skaven - Queek Headtaker
Skaven - Lord Skrolk
Skaven - Tretch Craventail
Skaven - Ikit Claw
Skaven - Deathmaster Snikch
Skaven - Throt

Group Admin


But, I wonder if Chip can be added in my Generations fic in some capacity even though he sacrificed himself to save Sonic and Earth from certain doom in Sonic Unleashed.

I think that can be possible. I mean it's your story, so why not.

You mean Light Gaia?

That's right. The reason why Light Gaia called himself Chip was because he lost his memory when he first woke up.

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