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So y'all have one of those moments of going to bed, and suddenly you have thoughts popping in your head, yeah that happened to me yesterday XD

So long story short, I was just getting ready for bed yesterday, around 11pm, then I suddenly have a couple of thoughts and questions that came to me:

First, is Cloudstale part of Ponyville, or no? Cause we always see both cities seemingly close together, even though one is in the sky while another is on land. Does the whole city move around Ponyville, similar to the earth and moon rotation, or is it just the rainbow weather factory which seems to be very disconnected to the rest of the floating city.
Even the map of Equestria shows that Cloudstale is right close to Ponyville, or in this case, some of the floating city is on top of Ponyville's borders.
Then there is a thought of the factory constantly moving around Ponyville, which leads me to think like, geeze the pegasi have to time it right to get to the factory quick. Do they even try to park the factory somehow, similar to Rainbow Dash putting her house to the ground by a rope?

Then came by another thought, are there pegasi that like to live on ground rather than living on the clouds. Sure yes there's Fluttershy, since she has a cottage near the Everfree forest, though are there other pegasi that are also "grounded"?
Do Bulk Biceps and Derpy lives on the ground, and sometimes visit Cloudstale? We do see Bulk Biceps visiting and registering to be a Wonderbolt. Derpy, I don't really remember if she does visit Cloudstale or not, though I do see fanart of her having a house down at Ponyville, so I guess it's a fandom thing that Derpy is a "grounded pegasi".

Rainbow Dash was born in Cloudstale, though how about her house? Is it part of Cloudstale or near Ponyville, which explains why she is always near the grounded city?
Another good example would be Pound Cake, since he is a pegasi that was born on the ground, alongside his unicorn sister, Pumpkin Cake. Though here's this, does that affect how he views his surroundings, similar to young Fluttershy?

ALSO ANOTHER THING, and warning since I'll mention mature things, don't worry I'll explain it in a rated pg 13 way:
Does mare pegasi feel comfortable giving birth on the ground rather than the sky?
For example, a pegasi couple have kids, which are also pegasi, and they can walk on clouds safely
Though what if a pegasi mare has a unicorn or earth husband, and since its shown in the show that the Cake Twins got their genes from a distance relative, what if the said pegasi mare have either a pegasi, or a unicorn/earth pony fouls. Both unicorn and earth ponies cannot walk on the sky unless a spell is enabled, or on hard ground like the Wonderbolt training course, I'll get to that later
Then there's the whole thing about getting to nearby areas quickly, which is connected to thought number 1. In this case, if a pegasi got hurt, and they're on the ground rather than the sky, they could go to the Ponyville Hospital if that's nearby. It could make sense since there's Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash on the ground, well, RD is flying all the time, we seen Rainbow Dash going to the Ponyville hospital, and, and I don't know if I misremembered something, the Cloudstale Hospital get shown once when the Wonderbolts were wounded.
So does that mean the Hospital in Ponyville gets some plenty of pegasi visitors then the unicorns and earth ponies?
Also, was there ever a pegasi medic working at the hospital, since we saw plenty of unicorn and earth ponies medics. Sure yes it's proven that the medic there is an expert at wing bones, though would a pegasi doctor also help out as well?

Now to get to the next part, and I guess the only answer to this is pegasi magic. In this case, we saw the Wonderbolt training, though how did it get there exactly? My thought is maybe with the help of the unicorns, and perhaps some assistance from Celestia and Luna, a huge chunk of the ground was put up in the sky, supported by clouds, and then there were some terraforming involves as well.

And last of all, the speed trails of the pegasi:
In the show, we seen some pegasi that have trails that they left behind; A rainbow one made by Rainbow Dash herself, Lightning Dust with her yellow like trail, and there's Vaper Trail and Sky Stinger's trail marks. I then look up real quick to see if anything discuss about it, and I found this Reddit post:

I do actually agree with it, the pegasi own magic can boost up some certain good flyers, in this case, making them go faster then the average pegasi like Fluttershy and Derpy (sorry Derpy).

So what's your thoughts on my nighttime thoughts? My apologies if this is really long, it was bothering me a bit XD

Group Admin
JNKing #2 · May 4th · · ·


Please note in advance; these are my personal opinions. I'm not labeling anything as fact; it's just my own viewpoint based on what I've seen from the show and the fanons others have provided. :twilightsmile:

First, is Cloudstale part of Ponyville, or no?

I always assumed Cloudsdale was a different city entirely, and that it just seems to be part of Ponyville because it moves around like actual clouds (or like the sun and moon like you mentioned) and just happened to be over Ponyville at the time.

I also thought that Clousdale housed the rainbow and weather factories, but I could be wrong about that considering the weather factory at the very least is all about making sure the right weather gets to the ponies.

Do they even try to park the factory somehow, similar to Rainbow Dash putting her house to the ground by a rope?

Maybe it needs to move around, since the weather factory at the very least needs to deliver various weather like rain clouds to various settlements in order for the rain to help with gardens and plant growing.

Then came by another thought, are there pegasi that like to live on ground rather than living on the clouds.

It's very likely. As you mentioned with Fluttershy, Bulk and Derpy, every pony is about as unique as every human - maybe even moreso, given the variety of colors they can be. So there could be pegasi that actually prefer being on the ground as opposed to being in the air. It all depends on the individual.

Rainbow Dash was born in Cloudstale, though how about her house? Is it part of Cloudstale or near Ponyville, which explains why she is always near the grounded city?

Maybe it 'was' part of Cloudsdale, but when Rainbow Dash decided to move to Ponyville, she literally took her house with her.

Another good example would be Pound Cake, since he is a pegasi that was born on the ground, alongside his unicorn sister, Pumpkin Cake. Though here's this, does that affect how he views his surroundings, similar to young Fluttershy?

I would believe yes, though that's mainly because I believe in a combination of nature and nurture, where the location and the treatment of others affects young kids growing up. Pound Cake is going to grow up on the ground, so it's veyr likely that will impact his viewpoint and thoughts. Whether that means he'll want to stay in the air due to spending his childhood on the ground, or gets used to the ground and doesn't want to be in the air is more up in the air... no pun intended. :twilightsheepish:

Do mare pegasi feel comfortable giving birth on the ground rather than the sky?

Hm... that's trickier, since if they aren't pegasi, there's that risk of them being born and dropping out of the sky. I would personally imagine they'd feel more comfortable on the ground, since they're still horses - even if they're winged horses at that.

Though that does beg the question of Cloudsdale again; does it have hospitals enchanted so that any foals born there don't risk dropping out of the sky? I want to believe yes, but then again, I also imagine they don't get many unicorn or earth ponies up there.

does that mean the Hospital in Ponyville gets some plenty of pegasi visitors then the unicorns and earth ponies?

I believe they would be, since Equestria is meant to be a place where all three pony... species? Breeds? E-Either way, the earth ponies, the unicorns and pegasi can all live in harmony together. So I imagine the Ponyville hospital would be more than suited to handle pegasi as well as unicorns and earth ponies.

Also, was there ever a pegasi medic working at the hospital, since we saw plenty of unicorn and earth ponies medics. Sure yes it's proven that the medic there is an expert at wing bones, though would a pegasi doctor also help out as well?

I would venture a 'yes' on that as well, due in part to my above theory that since Equestria is supposed to be united pony-wise, they'd have pegasus doctors there to be able to help pegasi injuries or provide a pegasus viewpoint that an earth pony or unicorn doctor might not consider.

Now to get to the next part, and I guess the only answer to this is pegasi magic. In this case, we saw the Wonderbolt training ground, though how did it get there exactly? My thought is maybe with the help of the unicorns, and perhaps some assistance from Celestia and Luna, a huge chunk of the ground was put up in the sky, supported by clouds, and then there were some terraforming involves as well.

That could have been a show of alliance between pegasi, earth ponies, and unicorns; like the earth ponies selected the ground and got it up, the unicorns used their magic to lift it into the sky, and then the pegasi did something to make sure it stayed up there.

I do actually agree with it, the pegasi own magic can boost up some certain good flyers, in this case, making them go faster then the average pegasi like Fluttershy and Derpy (sorry Derpy).

I agree too; I always imagined that the speed trails were signs of particularly good pegasus fliers, showcasing their skill and speed.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on these things. It's always cool to hear another's viewpoints.

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