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EHigher and Higher
Inside the mind of Sunset Shimmer was a voice who never gave up.
Lumina Faith · 1k words  ·  25  2 · 926 views

Summary: Sunset Shimmer was a model student when it came to academic achievements. She aced every test, topped every chart, and became the personal student of the Sun Goddess.

Even after becoming friends with the most inspiring people around and changing her life for the better, Sunset can’t help but criticize her time in Equestria.

Initial thoughts: Alright, a Sunset Shimmer backstory! I have always enjoyed Sunset as a character, but she's like an open slate for making a story out of. I haven't really written her myself, because there's so many directions you could take her. In this story, the perspective comes from Sunset's inner voice, and as a narrative, it's gripping, emotional, and geniune. I could practically FEEL what Sunset was going through. The pressure, the fears, of never being good enough. It's a hard message, and it was conveyed in a mere one thousand words. There's notes this was Lumina's first story, and wow, I should stalk her more. Because this is a great start. 9/10

Heart of the Story: Sunset Shimmer. It's hard to hide it, when the description alone tells us this will be about Sunset, and how she started off as nothing to become something. Granted, the piece does move rather quickly, and to some that may be a turn off, but I enjoyed the presentation of Sunset, and enjoyed watching her grow as a character. And then when you finally reach the ending. It hurts. Oh it hurts. In all the super emotional really good kind of hurt that makes you just wanna hug her.

Characterization: Sunset Shimmer is the only character, so what do we know about her? She's prideful, stubborn, obsessed with magic, and starts off as a blank slate for most authors to latch onto. There's a lot to discuss in a short amount of time.

Lumina writes Sunset in a way she prides herself on being the best. She can't accept anything lesser, she pours herself into her studies, and her magic, working and working until she can no longer even move a single hoof and passes out. Lumina's characterization here shows that Sunset is hard working, determined, focused, but lacks foresight, and is a bit naive to what it means to lose yourself in the success of being a powerful unicorn. The lust for power is evident, thought provoking, and all around a good way to show her evident fall.


Plot/Concept: The plot here is Sunset Shimmer's backstory, and it's an interesting one that really was never expanded on in the actual show. We get a lot of great characters that don't see the love and time they deserve. The plot here is simple, it's not complicated, but it's written in a way you can feel how deep the raw emotions are into this. I can't find a lot of flaws honestly, but I will say as a reader with glasses, the ending hurt me. So if there was a way to improve upon that, I would suggest it. Please don't hate me. 8/10

Originality/Execution: I have read a LOT of Sunset Shimmer stories so a story like this is really nothing new, so how's the execution?


Brilliant. I do admit the pacing for what it is feels just a bit too fast. Like we just needed some time to breathe, but overall I truly enjoyed this piece, and have little to no nitpicks or things I'd change if I were writing this. My main gripe is that it's not longer. A story like this could easily break 5k. I know it. But that's not what's here, and I'm judging this for what it is, a short one shot of Sunset Shimmer's rise and fall. How she started, how she rose, and how she eventually fell.


Overall thoughts and final score: I really enjoyed this story, and disregarding the simple fact I do look up to Lumina as a fellow writer and former reviewer, this story is a wonderful glance into Sunset and her struggles, her growth, her passion, and her fire, and how that sometimes we can burn too brightly, too much and that can consume us in the struggles of never being good enough, never seeing yourself as a phoenix.


Headpat worthy: Yes.
Boop worthy:
Needs work:

To the author: Lumina, for a first story, I understand you were nervous, anxious, and probably filled with a lot of self doubt to whether what you could bring forth would be good, but hear me out when I say, your style of writing is excellent, and gripping, and it really made me want to hug Sunset and tell her it would all be okay.

To the reader: Highly recommended for Sunset Shimmer fans.
Highly recommended to oneshot fans
Vaguely recommended to everyone else.

Headpat worthy: Yes.
Boop worthy:
Needs work:

"<For archive purposes: 9/10>"

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