Digital Dynasty 13 members · 8 stories
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Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

Nihilism is an alternate version of Dustin Miller.





Nihilism is an alternate version of Dustin Miller, one where he never obtained the Digitrix.

Before becoming what he is now, he was diagnosed with a very rare terminal blood disease. In addition to this, he was constantly ridiculed and mocked by everyone, especially his own parents. He suffers from constant verbal and emotional abuse daily, this in turn fueled him with self loathing, as well made him extremely bitter. Due to the constant torment he was forced to endure, he has gained a bleak outlook of life, and would look in disgust upon seeing others in joy.

One day, when he eventually passed away from his illness, a mysterious device appeared to him, attached itself to him, and ultimately revived him. Upon witnessing what he was capable of with the device, he sought to use his newly obtained powers to make others around him throughout the multiverse and Cyberspace suffer worse than he did.

Powers and Abilities

  1. Semi-Immortality - After being infused with the remaining fragment of Prometheus, Nihilism never ages, and as a result, he'll will always remain physically as a fifteen-year-old.
  2. Disease Immunity - After being merged with and revived by Prometheus, Nihilism's immunity, digestive, and other organ systems are enhanced far beyond that of a normal human's. He is completely immune to every form of disease brought on by bacteria, viruses, or even parasites.
  3. Pain Illusion - Nihilism can engulf a large area with his aura, tricking an individual's mind into thinking they are in physical pain. Though it has no physical affect on the body, the pain is quite effective to put a target down no matter the size.
  4. Aura Projection - Nihilism can project an aura around himself that he can control; he can either radiate it from his entire body or emit it from specific parts of his body (i.e., his hands). Blue's aura is deep-red in color and has blood-like properties.
  5. Cyberpathy - Another ability Nihilism inherits from Prometheus is the ability to mentally merge with and control electronic devices at will. He can telekinetically disassemble and reassemble any technology as well as telepathically interface and communicate with machines to analyze and gather information.
  6. Enhanced Regeneration - Nihilism can close minor to moderate wounds near-instantaneously, appearing as though they never happened, with more serious injury taking more time to heal, regardless of the extent of the damage. Depending on the severity of the injury, the process of healing from more grievous wounds can span from a few seconds or minutes to a matter of hours. Lost or damaged limbs, internal organs and damaged nerves can be completely regenerated, and fatally damaged cells can regenerate, preventing scars.
  7. Heightened Intelligence - After merging with Prometheus, Nihilism's intelligence has increased significantly above the standard genius-level intellect, typically to a degree that is associated with the achievement of new advances in a domain of knowledge.
  8. Enhanced Strength - Upon fusing with Prometheus, his strength has increased drastically. Being able to overpower Prime-8 and even toss around Indestructile by the tail while showing little effort.
  9. Enhanced Refexes - Nihilism's reflexes have also greatly enhanced after fusing with Prometheus, so much so that he can even dodge a sneak attack from Rainbow Dash at her maximum speed.


Original Form

Current Form





A group of hackers worked on a computer virus named Prometheus in attempt to hack into many company databases. Upon being completed, Prometheus became a revered entity in Cyberspace. Prometheus caused pandemonium in the computer systems of many companies worldwide, even becoming more dangerous thab other viruses like Code Red, Mydoom, and even Melissa combined.

However, after a few months, a sophisticated anti-viral program was developed to purge Prometheus. Eventually, Prometheus was defeated, a small fraction of himself split off to retreat.

Wonder how the other characters like Spike will react to seeing a evil other-world version of Dustin?

Comment posted by Prince Dustin Hogan deleted Sep 7th, 2021
Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

Well, he appears in a story taking place in the MLP movie.

But I bet they'd be totally shocked upon seeing nihilism.

Wonder how Princess Luna and Spike would be handled in that version?

Was my comment on the other topic ok.?

Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

What other topic?

The Digitalismans one.

Prince Dustin Hogan
Group Admin

Oh. I suppose so.

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