A new anime I discovered on Netflix called BNA (Brand New Animal) which is story about a human girl that unfortunately turns into a anthromorphic raccoon dog and she doesn’t know about her powers yet by how far I have watched it on Netflix but it’s a good anime and you should try it out on Netflix even if you have to watch the Japanese subtitles to understand what’s going on in the show especially since I’m the type of person that likes to multitask but sometimes watching Japanese subtitles can be fun to enjoy especially if you watch it on your iPhone or iPad to get a closer look at what’s going on but this group is for BNA crossovers with MLP and I enjoy crossovers even though some crossovers are poorly written in my opinion, but I try to enjoy and write well written crossover fanfics.

If you want to know about BNA the link on YouTube is
here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcHQKAGBsDU

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I’m excited! I have a suggestion: What if the HuMane 7, Dog Spike and CMC from Canterlot High got in a freak accident during a vacation in Japan for summer vacation, and a week after they were check out of the hospital a few days after they were injected blood to help them recover, they somehow turn into animal/human mutants (beastmen) and hid from the public and go to Anima City and meet Michiru Kagemuri and Shiro Ogane in the adventures of season 1 of BNA?

There aren’t any folders, so no-one can add stories.

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