Bakugan Brawl 30 members · 2 stories
Comments ( 607 )
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Okay, there are still parts of him that's still organic, right

Theoretically, by injecting Pure Samples of his organic side into his body, his DNA will start to repair itself and his cybernetics will start to fall out as his body rejects the foreign elements

7708119 But Isn't FARBAS in Helios brain?

I thought it was in his chest since that's where he pulled out those wires.

I'm not saying his body will be completely purged, but it should be a minority

He's going good rigjt

7708265 The only reason why Helios went through becoming a cyborg was because it could make him strong enough to defeat Drago

But remember, he admitted Drago is number one. Meaning he renounced his goal

7708422 I know but he would see it as step back

What if we have the infusment cause his cybernetic to become flesh and blood

7708437 Or the Equestrian doctors fully restore Helios' body to its flesh and blood normal state

They just need Professor Clay's notes

7708447 They might only need Spectra's notes since it was him who upgrade Helios to MK2

7708482 It's fine while Professor Clay did the first cyborg then Spectra upgrade Helios afterwards

So, his notes would still be useful?

7708485He would also have his dad notes well so yeah

Good. That should help

7708495 Anything else?

7708887 Okay now we wait

7708903 Hey Wrex, I Don't have to move so far.

Really? (Offer smoke)

7727759 Yes for the possible next five months (I turn down the offer)

Sweet. (Light bubblegum) So, what's the plan?

Besides what we already have here in the group?

You didn't respond correctly.

7728631 Sorry but I can't write this with you I have too much on my plate

7728655 You know how life is

I know. If you know or find anyone willing to help me, can you send them my way?

Thanks. Still friends?

7728701 You're welcome :twilightsmile: and I hope the ideas we talk about help

7729455 I wish you luck on your story

7729473 You're welcome

Will Spike be a Brawler too?

  • Viewing 551 - 600 of 607