Swapped Roles 197 members · 93 stories
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Nitro Indigo
Group Admin

A few weeks ago, I was entertaining the idea of a holding contest inspired by the season 9/10 bingo later this year/early next year. Now, I’ve decided to go through with it, and wait until next summer because I’ll have less college work then. Since the idea is still fresh in my mind, and I can’t think of dozens of roleswap ideas on my own, I’m asking you for help - but please read the rest of the thread first!

How will it work?
In order to enter the contest, people will need to sign up for one of the two categories: standard cards, or wild cards. I haven’t decided upon a number yet, but there will definitely be more of the former. Afterwards, they will be distributed to entrants through private messages.

All cards will be divided into three sections:

  • The swapped characters, represented by two pictures with the reversible reaction symbol (⇌) between them. Entrants are allowed to include additional roleswaps not mentioned on the card.
  • The scenario, be it during the events of a specific episode, a regular in-universe event, or set in a specific location.
  • Additional requirements, such as genres, characters, or even writing styles.

This card definitely won’t be used in the contest because it’s the most common roleswap in the fandom.

Standard cards will always contain:

  • Exclusively characters and scenarios that have appeared in animated media - that is, Friendship is Magic, Equestria Girls, the 2017 movie, and Rainbow Roadtrip.
  • Swap pairs where both sides are either specific characters, or small groups of characters (eg: any group of six).

This card definitely won’t be used in the contest because it’s already been written.

Wildcards will contain at least one of the following:

  • Characters and scenarios from the expanded universe, such as the IDW comics.
  • Swap pairs where at least one side is a broad group of characters (eg: an entire species).

In order to preserve the surprise, I won’t tell you if your ideas were approved or not. Additionally, I might only use parts of your suggestions instead of the whole thing. I’ll keep track of the card-prompts I like in a super-secret Google Doc.

With that out of the way, suggest away! The crazier, the better; even standard cards can be weird. Feel free to ask me questions, too. In fact, I have a few questions for you:

  • Should I abbreviate standard cards to “standcards”?
  • Would it be a good idea to include “and/or” options, or would they just confuse people? (eg: Smolder and/or Silverstream ⇌ her brother)

Here comes my suggestion:

Shining armor <---> zephyr breeze| fullfilling his duty as dad and captain of the royal guard| genre:comedy, characters: twilight, flurry heart, rainbow dash.

Nitro Indigo
Group Admin

Thanks for being the first person to respond!

Also, I just had an idda: some cards will have "a member of this group" in their swap pairs. In order to save space, should I use a symbol (such as *) as a shorthand?

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