Cinematic Adventures 250 members · 24 stories
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Group Admin

Fun fact: Moon Dancer shares the same voice actress as Adagio Dazzle and the singing voice of Rarity's...

Me: "....Hmmmm."

Skeksil: "Mmmmm."

Yeah in my opinion I think Smolder’s the right choice.

Group Admin

You know... I actually never realized that part. I really should pay attention to the casting credit more often.

Then again, it almost makes me wonder how it would've been if Moondancer had her own solo song.

Group Admin

I forgot about this cute animatic, done by the wonderful EMositeCC.

Group Admin

This reminds of Tony Crynight's videos where that happy cat tried to woo that Gloomy Cat with his 'interesting' choice of music but most of the time she regrets his advances or punches him in the fence. But on the other hand...

I admit I almost ship Spike and Ember. If Squints can get together with Wendy Peppercorn... Peffercorn?... I can see this happening.

Group Admin
  1. Sparity — That’s out.
  2. Spike x Sweetie Belle — I’m more of Button Mash x Sweetie Belle shipper. But it’s possible.
  3. AppleSpike — I was only interested in Disneyfanatic’s Bride of Discord, because of AppleSpike. But it’s not gonna happen, because of AppleDash.
  4. Spike x Ember — They’re both dragons, though Ember’s a little too old for him.
  5. Spike x Smolder — I don’t know. They’re more brother and sister. And as of late, the SmolderxOcellus ship has been sailing and gaining crew. Still, it’s possible.
  6. Spike x Gilda? — Again, how did this ship got built? A Christmas animation?
  7. Spike x Thunder Guts — In an EQG short of choose your ending, we’re treated to a story of Puppy Spike bonding and romancing with a female dog, who happens to be the pet of pop star, Supernova Zap. Could it be possible that there’s a dragon counterpart in Equestria?
  8. Spike x Gabby — In a nutshell, this is my OTP. C’mon! They’re just so darn cute together! They’ve got a chemistry that is an antidote to the toxic Sparity ship. Even Rarity can’t help but be crazy jealous about it. Still…the sky’s the limit.

Yeah still plenty of possibilities, also shouldn't rule out the possibility of characters from the movie worlds who are single. Like for now, I imagine shipping him with Viper of Kung Fu Panda trilogy

Group Admin

Huh. New one on me.

Group Admin

Don't suppose Thunder Guts would have a slight cameo in that one story that had Spike lost after a concert and struggling to get back home?

Comment posted by Skywalker215 deleted Aug 5th, 2021

Might I suggest Trixie? Has anyone considered shipping her with Spike?

Group Admin

How did the idea of Spike & Viper come to be? Because that seems like an oddly specific choice.

Because of a similarity they shared. Viper was born without venomous fangs which was a big thing for her family, especially her father who was also a kung fu master whose technique was focused on venomous fangs. Viper felt like a disappointment because of that. While Spike spent more than half the series wingless, while every other dragon we met had wings. Because he lacked something every other dragon had it gave us and him the feeling he truly wasn't like other types of dragons making him feel like he was a reject.

I feel what with it looking like Rarity is still egging Spike on, he wonder why she's still treating him like she's interested and why she still feels jealous about how he's spending more time with Gabby. I think this would be an appropriate apology song for Rarity to sing to Spike showing if she could change what happened with how she behaved and led him on she would do it

Group Admin

I suppose that does make sense to some degree. They definitely have most in common, so I can understand.

Group Admin

Doing my best not to use that clip with Aku on forgiveness.

You're welcome, Canada! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Group Admin

Oh yes, the struggle is real is it not? On the other hand, it is still a rather catchy tune. Then again, I would say 'no' if it was one of my exes especially after the way they treated me.

Group Admin

But say that we do go with this idea, then what kind of setting, genre, or build-up, did you have in mind for this specific scenario?

Haven't figured it out yet. Mostly it would involve a romance genre movie world to help set the mood of it. after all I suggested if there'd be a romance movie coming up it should take place during Hearts and Hooves day, and all the girls are happily with their special somepony while Spike has no one romantically special to celebrate it with and just makes him feel bitter about romance. Especially since he was interested in looking for romance before most of the girls.

Group Admin


...if there'd be a romance movie coming up it should take place during Hearts and Hooves day, and all the girls are happily with their special somepony while Spike has no one romantically special to celebrate it with and just makes him feel bitter about romance. Especially since he was interested in looking for romance before most of the girls.

Right. You've mentioned that a couple of times already.

But what I'm most curious about was where you wrote:

...with it looking like Rarity is still egging Spike on, he wonder why she's still treating him like she's interested and why she still feels jealous about how he's spending more time with Gabby.

Is this saying a callback to Dragon Dropped, or implying that after Rarity's married to Erik, Spike is free to bond more with Gabby, but Rarity still felt jealous about it. I'm kinda getting the impression it's the latter.

Yeah it is. You could say even though she's married, Rarity still values her time with Spike, but is bitter she doesn't have as much of his time as she used too

I can think of others that could be shipped with Spike:
Princess Skystar
Marble Pie
Limestone Pie

Ember and Moondancer I can see with him, the others, not really.

I vote Moondancer

I’d say/go with either Smolder, Ember or Gabby.

Or maybe the Equestria counterpart to Thunder Guts

Group Admin

Well Rarity did choose to get married in this series. She surely must've known what she was getting herself into. When we get settled down with anyone, especially a guy with a girl, we don't get as much time as we used to.

That is so wise, it's true!

Group Admin

Hopefully Rarity's learned her lesson and will agree to let Spike start seeing other girls. After all, the last thing we want is risking Rarity cheating on Erik since she was the one who told him she's fallen in love with him.

Group Admin


Well Rarity did choose to get married in this series. She surely must've known what she was getting herself into. When we get settled down with anyone, especially a guy with a girl, we don't get as much time as we used to.

And yet, she still has time for plenty of Cinematic Adventures with her "pony" friends and Spike.

Hopefully Rarity's learned her lesson and will agree to let Spike start seeing other girls.

Including Gabby? Or does Mr. E have someone else in mind?

After all, the last thing we want is risking Rarity cheating on Erik since she was the one who told him she's fallen in love with him.

Something tells me that's the last thing Mr. E will allow in this series. And we all known how angry Erik will get if he's been wronged one time too many.

Group Admin

As a Phantom of the Opera fan, I have no argument on that statement.

Besides, something special is bound to happen to Spike. It's just a matter of reaching an overall agreement as far as what to do.

Group Admin


It's just a matter of reaching an overall agreement as far as what to do.

And a matter of time, some of us with dwindling patience, will put up with it.

Group Admin

She’s my favorite V-Pop Singer after all. But which Spike focused cinema will we put it in?

Spike was sound asleep in his bed, when he woke up and finds himself in a grand ballroom of what appeared to be a castle.

“Where am I?” Spike asked, looking around at the surrounding of his dreamscape. “What is this place? Twilight? Girls? Anyone?”

His face echoed throughout the castle, until a voice answers to him, in a song.

“Huh? Who there?” Spike turned around, and he swore, he must’ve seen an angle.

Standing before him, with her radiant beauty obscured by a glowing light, stood the girl of his dream — no longer Rarity, but someone new.

Before Spike knew it, both he and his dream girl danced to an upbeat musical number.

I’ll Dream Of You — Trish Thuy Trang

Group Admin

That certainly offers a great stroke of confidence. So we intend to get as much done as we can before anything else pops up.

Group Admin

So, as a matter of interest, how would that play out, exactly? Rarity is happily married, but misses her times spent with Spike, and felt bitter about it, I mean.

Well you could almost say Spike listens to her more than the others if she goes on about something, and each of the girls either lose interest, tone her out, or just fall asleep. Perhaps at least Spike stays awake and pays attention better. That could be one reason why she's bitter about having less of his time

Group Admin

Right. That makes sense.

So, you’re saying like, when Rarity gets together with the girls, for their picnics and outings — with Spike off to bond with Gabby, Big Mac, or Discord — the moment she rants on about something, they all fall asleep. And she comments that Spike was a better soundboard, she begins to realize how much she misses him.

Sure go with that, at least he had the decency to listen until she finished.

Group Admin

In all honesty, girls do like it when guys actually take the time to listen to them. We often say that girls don't seem interested in the nice guys, as for whatever reason they prefer the bad boys. But the truth is: The problem is not that girls are looking for 'nice' guys. They look for someone who is 'kind'. They don't really want a guy to actually 'solve' their problems or stick up for them. They want a guy who makes all the time to listen to them, regardless if the guy believes it's a big deal or not. Just to have someone who appreciates their share of the problem really makes a woman's day. And hence that could explain the note of envy as I'm hearing with the recent Rarity & Spike issues for the C.A. series.

That was some Deep Psychology moral stuff right there, dude.

Group Admin


Sure go with that, at least he[Spike] had the decency to listen until she finished.

Then, what does that make Erik then?

We often say that girls don't seem interested in the nice guys, as for whatever reason they prefer the bad boys.

Or as Johnny Lawrence describe in Cobra Kai, it’s an “alpha move.”

They want a guy who makes all the time to listen to them, regardless if the guy believes it's a big deal or not.

Is that right?

And hence that could explain the note of envy as I'm hearing with the recent Rarity & Spike issues for the C.A. series.

I don’t get how Rarity could still be so jealous. She’s got a husband. She can talk to him about her troubles. What does she need Spike for? Just let the little guy find his special someone and NOT get in the way of that.

Group Admin

Believe it or not, I'm told about this from my Dad. It's not really so much that a girl seeks a 'nice' guy. Sometimes, there's this difference between being 'nice' and being 'kind'. Any man could come off as fast and strong, or smart and brave. But the truth of the matter is that what a woman really wants is a man who's kind to her and treats her as special as she unto him. Someone who takes the time to understand the woman's concern, not to question why it's such a big deal for them but rather... just understanding (Even if they don't). That a woman wants a man to know how they really feel, even if they feel they won't get it. But so long as a man is able to allow a woman to express her concerns and she is willing to offer a 'small' something to give her a slight boost, it proves more effective than giving her all the gold and jewelry in the world.

Group Admin

Maybe, when not one, but ALL of the Mane Six have been captured, and it's up to Spike and his new girlfriend to work together and rescue them.

Group Admin

Nothing like a pretty fun tune to distract the bad guys with a rather unique way of breaking into the palace.

Group Admin

Ah...memories. I remember how much I enjoyed watching Rarity torture herself, because she misses her time with Spike, who had made time with Gabby Griffin.

(Looks at bronies giving me the weird looks) I can't help it okay? I like that sort of chemistry! It's healthy! And for once, Spike's finally hanging out with a girl who doesn't view him as just an assistant, a stool, or something to demean him. Who doesn't ship them together?

And surely, with Spike seemingly moving on, this would give Rarity plenty of freedom to pursue some other handsome stallions, or good looking male creatures, like Trenderhoof, Capper Dapperpaw, and then some. But oh no...Rarity couldn't leave Spike well enough alone, now could she?

She had to push it...

On the redemption side, she realized the error of her ways and helped mend Spike and Gabby's friendship together (only because Twilight told her to)

Things were looking up for Spike and Rarity's "relationship" the Disney Chronicles series.

But in the Cinematic Adventure series, Mr. E just had to put a kibosh on my fun, didn't he? When he married Rarity off to Erik and made it looked like the unicorn only wanted Spike back from Gabby just so she can break his heart first.

Random dude: "He was ALREADY heartbroken when he lost Gabby, whom Rarity returned the dragon's heart to, but okay..."

These days, Mr. E continues to label Spike as the underdog, making his life suck way harder than it was in the canon TV series of MLP and EQG, and doesn't actually give him much credit than Twilight and the other heroes.

The Mane Six, and by extension, EIGHT if you're counting Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer, have already found their special someone, but poor Spike's love life is still up to debate.

Gabby Griffin. Nuff said. She's the girl for Spike. What more proof do you need? Make it happen already...

Or... Spike x Viper from Kung Fu Panda, if you're going with Wildcard25's idea.

Group Admin

Maybe when Spike sees Gabby in a new light.

The Greatest Danger Is Love

Spike and Gabby go to Discord's Movie theater to watch the current/past Cinematic Adventures. Spike puts an arm around Gabby's shoulder and they cuddled together.

Later, when they're on a boat, Spike and Gabby did a homage of "I'm King Of The World" from Titanic.

Later, they're eating a plate of spaghetti, before noticing there's only one meatball left, which Spike offers to Gabby.

Lastly, Gabby was making a clay pottery, when Spike happened to join in and put his claws beneath hers, and they both look up to each other with loving eyes.

In the present day, Spike was in a loving daze, flying, dancing around the castle, with a goofy grin on his face, while Twilight and friends looked at him with concerned looks.

"Wow, Gabbriella~" Spike grinned happily. "Is it me, or are we dancing on air?"

Group Admin

I'm sure tons of fans are leaning towards Spike and Gabby getting together. And if that were to occur, fans would also agree such a union between a Dragon and a Griffin would be very special. Who knows? They may end up adopting a kid who's a Minotaur next.

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