The Writing Process 280 members · 902 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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I've had this character for quite a while, but could never settle on a name. Now I have a few but can't decide, which is why I made this Strawpoll.

She's the sadistic, gambling captain of the huge pirate armada made of Human-Crustacean Hybrids, blessed by the God of Fortune, Cancer (based on the Zodiac and constellation)

I definitely want the term "Cryptonisca" in her name, because cryptoniscus is the term for a type of parasitic isopod larvae.

Here are the 4 options

1. Fortuna Cryptonisca
For obvious reasons

2. Heera Cryptonisca
Because Hera was the goddess to put Cancer in the sky and the German word "Heer" meaning army or legion.

3. Cancri Cryptonisca
Cancri is a star in the Cancer constellation

4. Krypta Nisca

Please use the Strawpoll. I also posted this on another website and I'd like to have all the opinions in one place.

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