The (Not So) Cynical Creators Guild 232 members · 1,002 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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As in, I think I may have helped contribute to this whole fiasco. I've done some things I probably should not have done. Maybe if I hadn't, this wouldn't have happened.

I'm not asking for sympathy. I'm not asking for anything. I've just been self-reflecting and I've discovered that I'm kind of a piece of shit. I think I might leave, because all I really contributed in that old group were stupid pictures of a stupid fucking crab. Hardly a contributor. Hardly worthy of that status.

Whether I stay or leave, good luck to the rest of you. I do mean that. I am sorry for the shit that's happened.


Don't blame yourself you never started it....I like your crab-if anything if you had greater powers maybe you could have stopped things sooner. Point is don't blame yourself it ain't your fault.

Mystical Rainboom
Group Admin

Don't blame yourself. We're all fine. :)

I mean, I did bait you-know-who. Even if what I said was technically true.


if you had greater powers maybe you could have stopped things sooner.

No, I couldn’t. It was Lyra’s group and she hated banning people, and I would most likely have deferred to her wishes, at least for a while. Plus I’m probably not cut out to be an admin. I haven’t even got any experience.

I mean, like I told Castaway, I did bait you-know-who.

But to all of you, thanks for the support anyway. I’m probably gonna sleep on it first. The last few days have been stressful as you no doubt are aware and I need a break.

Quillian Inkheart
Group Contributor

Friend, if you're a piece of shit, then I'm the Grand Dalai-Shita. You're not a piece of shit, just like I'm not to blame for this whole fiasco.

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