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Currently looking for potential writer

So far the only Snow White And Seven Dwarfs adaptation I’ve seen is Fluttershy and The Four Crusaders but that story’s pretty short, with 3 chapters especially when compare to the Disney Chronicles: Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, a crossover which tells the whole story with 15 chapters

Twilight as Snow White (Her animal friends were former equestrian creatures like ponies, griffons, changelings etc, a sort of Beauty And The Beast like curse)

Now that I think about Starlight could work as well, since the main villain is Chrysalis/Cozy Glow and she does run The School Of Friendship

Cozy Glow Or Chrysalis as The Evil Queen/Witch Cozy could work since it features the Seven Creatures/Young Six and it has a more School of Friendship theme but Chrysalis could work just as good if going for a more casual approach as In closer to the actual story

Or perhaps used both Chrysalis is here normal form and Cozy Glow is the form she uses to disguise herself as a innocent filly and trick Twilight in eating the poisoned piece of food.

Sandbar as Doc (Straightman of the Young Six although stuttering is a bit out of character for him, aged the most significantly, small parts of his mane are grey. color form his coat has disappeared a little, wears glasses, and developed a stutter)

Gallus as Grumpy (Griffons before friendship we’re pretty grumpy)

Silverstream as Happy (Works Perfectly)

Yona as Sleepy (Doesn’t work the best but it’ll do)

Ocellus as Bashful (Works Perfectly)

Smolder as Sneezy (Sneezing is out of character for her but some of her personality could be added in since I did based this off the dragon sneeze flower gag)

Autumn Blaze as Dopey (Didn’t want to have more than 1 of each creature and since Kirins are mute it works well although being clumsy could be out of character for her)

The reason why the Seven Creatures weren’t cursed to be normal animals was because they were already cursed by the villain, losing all memories of being protecters of the kingdom, to work in a mine, digging up diamonds, gems and rubies, not able to profit off of them/ (or eat them in Smolder’s case) only being provided with a small cottage and the reason why Autumn Blaze hangs the key up next to the storage to let the villain have easy access to the valuables (Which’s explains lines like Ain’t no trick to get rich quick, Thousands rubies sometime more but we don’t what we dig them for)

I actually PMed a writer named Majestical4729this idea, since there adaptation story writing is pretty similar to mines, they’ve done Disney adaptations before and they know what Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs are.

But pretty sure they’ve seen it but decided not to respond and probably not working on it since they were seen yesterday and their last story was made 2 years ago, they might still be a active user but not a active writer anymore.

One of the biggest changes I want is for Twilight to act less motherly like towards her animal friends and The Seven Creatures and have a more curious but also fun loving personality

Smaller changes i want is more gags during Uddle Um Dum (Dwarfs Washing Song) Still debating if it should be Autumn Blaze (Dopey) that swallows the soap and hiccups bubbles like in the source material or Silverstream (Happy) since it fits the seapony theme.

Sandbar (Doc) is the one who decides to stack himself on top of Smolder (Sneezy) or Gallus (Grumpy) debating, to put on a trench coat and dance with Twilight. He still plays the violin (I think) for the first half of The Silly Song and during the trench coat part Autumn (Dopey) Takes his place.

If the writer picks Gallus, Smolder will take his place at the piano. At the end, of the song when Sneezy sneezes, if the writer chooses Smolder it’ll be the same as in the movie but if they choose Gallus, Smolder will sneeze which lets out a fireball which burns the trench coat but luckily the griffon isn’t harmed.

I Actually have my own version of The Seven Creatures called The 7M, M standing for Miner which consists of

Gabby as Happy
Sparky (G5) as Sneezy
Derpy as Dopey
Ocellus as Bashful
Vinyl as Doc
Berry Punch as Sleepy
Garble as Grumpy

These Seven Creatures are made specifically for my own story in chapters called The 7M based on The 7D if anyone remembers that show so I won’t be making a Snow White story anytime soon

Currently looking for potential writer

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