Twidust (Stardust X Twilight) 72 members · 27 stories
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Darkwing Dust
Group Admin

And last but not least... The timeline where everything ended, and one warrior makes the ultimate sacrifice. Enjoy!

"Rest now,
My warrior.

Rest now, your hardship is over."

"Alright then... That's what I'll do... I'll tell you a story."


Wake up! Wake up!
And let the cloak of life cling to your bones!"

"Can you hear them? All these ponies who've lived in terror or you and your judgement. All these ponies whose ancestors devoted themselves; sacrificed themselves... For you. Can you hear them sing?"

"Cling to your bones!"
"Wake up! Wake up!"

"So you like to think you're a God? You're hardly a God... You're merely a parasite eating out of jealously, and envy, and longing for the lives of others. You feed off them... From the memories of love and lost, and birth and death, and joy and sorrow... So come on, take mine... Take my memories... And I do hope you have a huge appatite, because I've lived quite a life. And I've seen a few things."


Wake up! Wake up!
And let the cloak of life cling to your bones!
Cling to your bones!
Wake up! Wake up!"

"I walked away from the last great Keyblade War... I've marked the passing Columbia. I've seen the birth of this universe, and I've watched as Balance ran out... Moment, by moment. No Chaos... No Harmony... Simply me."


Wake up! Wake up!
And let the cloak of life cling to your bones!"

"I've walked in universes devised by the mad actions of a pony. I've watched as dimensions freeze and the stars burn! I've seen things you wouldn't believe... I've lost things... That you will never understand..."

"Cling to your bones!
Wake up! Wake up!"

"And I know things... Secrets which must never be told. Knowledge that will never be spoken... Knowledge, which will make parasite Gods blaze! So come on then! Take it! Take it all [BEEP]! Have it! YOU HAVE IT ALL!"

"Cling to your bones!
Wake up! Wake up!"

The golden Earth Pony sat up, abruptly woken up from his own dream, beads of sweat pouring down his yellow fur, blinking hazel eyes trying to make sense of those... Alternate dreams of clearly being in those different timelines Starlight unintentionally created. It was as if they were trying to tell him something.

...He needed a drink.

Soda usually solved everything especially with how [BEEP]ing early in the day it was...

"Well, this is unusually early of you." It occurred to the stallion how Twilight seemed to show up in every said dream that night. The purple alicorn turned from her breakfast, frowning in concern on noticing the quiet state of her special somepony. "Is something wrong Jack?"

"N-Nothing." He replied a little quickly, walking by the table and absent-mindingly patting Spike's head in the process, reaching over to the sink with a shaky grin. "Just had a... Bizarre dream... Or multiple."

He'll have to remind himself to visit Luna later.

"Oh? What happened in them?"

"...Well, I was a King in two of them. You were a Queen ruling alongside me." He threw a cocky grin over to the Princess of Friendship. "Guess even my dreams are impatient." Spike snorted as Twilight blushed behind her wings. This was his real timeline, and Stardust - Or Jack - wouldn't have it any other way.

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