Twidust (Stardust X Twilight) 72 members · 27 stories
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Darkwing Dust
Group Admin

The eccentric Flim Flam brothers... That's it! Enjoy!

"You can't do this!"

"I agree! This is a violation to our rights!"

"You know what else had a right? The nature you've been plucking from the ground for your own selfish gains." That said, the golden Earth Pony turned from the two indignant stallions to the watching white Princess. "Hopefully next time I won't have to remind you how to do your job, Celestia."

Sighing wearily, the alicorn responded, "That won't be necessary Stardust." And addressed the two con unicorns surrounded by armoured guards. "There are serious repercussions for deceiving a poor family out of their farm and harming the very balance of nature."

"Your Highness, please, that pony has no idea what he's talking about!" Flim pointed panickingly to the golden stallion standing beside the alicorn. "He's just upset our quality of apple cider was far too much for his small taste buds!"

Flam nodded wildly, adding with a hopeful grin. "Our cider is top-of-the-notch and appreciative to those with real taste and prosperity. Why, look at that pony's clothes! A cape and fedora?"

"So desperate as to insult me with petty words." Blue-green eyes glanced to the Princess of the Sun. "For God's sake, take them away already."

Celestia nodded, and her guards obliged all too happily, escorting back the outraged and fearful stallions towards the nearby carriage. Their cries echoed all the way back to the two watching them leave.

"This isn't the last you hear of us!"

"We will be back!"

"...Could you imprison them for life?"

Celestia smiled wryly. "Unfortunately their misdeeds haven't granted them that severe a punishment." And chuckled at the stallion's disappointed huff, looking back down to him. "Again, you have my sincere gratitude, and that of the Apple family, once they learn you ceased the entirety of their farm falling to those ponies' greed."

"Not all of it." Stardust affirmed with a flash of regret, taking in the devastated landscape of what once was Sweet Apple Acres. A majority of apple trees uprooted from the ground just for the sake of con ponies getting more money. Even the sky was a burnt orange, the atmosphere reflecting what has become of such a ruined location. "I understand how nature is important for Equestria... This is appalling."

Celestia nodded with clear sorrow. "I will do everything in my power to restore what is broken." Before turning back to the stallion. "But first, I shall locate the original owners before assisting them in repairing their farm. Would you care to accompany me? I'm sure they'd wish to express gratitude to the real pony who saved their farm."

An image of a purple unicorn sprung to mind once the stallion gazed to the setting sun. "Sorry, but I have a date tonight. Maybe tomorrow I'll help out."

Celestia smiled knowingly. "She must be quite a catch to have attracted the attention of Equestria's Twilight Warrior."

Oh Celestia." Stardust cracked a secretive grin. "She's certainly far more a pony than you'll ever be."

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