Twidust (Stardust X Twilight) 72 members · 27 stories
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Darkwing Dust
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And with Nightmare Moon! See how Stardust would've endured through that parallel universe... By joining with the Mare of the Night! Enjoy!

"You are most gracious, your Highness..." The cowering delegate made no attempt of overall composure, bowing up and down with a slow backwards retreat away from the throne and the alicorn occupying it. The stallion continued praising in order the satisfy the dark mare. "Our kingdom will be- benefit greatly from today's meeting."

"Clearly." The black mare responded indifferently, her features obscured in the shadows. A vapour of flowing dark blue hair and reptilian sapphire eyes were the only parts glimmering from the dark. "Otherwise you would be wasting my time of present. You have pleased your ruler, delegate, and are free to return to your kingdom to deliver its leaders the grand news."

"You are most generous, your Highness..."

"Aren't I?" A grin of bare fangs, making the stallion gulp, yelping and fleeing from the hall once the mare fully revealed herself from the shadows, taking full delight in the reaction. As the loyal guards shut the doors behind the pony, Nightmare Moon leaned back into her seat with a smug expression. "I believe that went rather well, don't you think my reliable adviser?"

From beside the throne, standing in a human posture on two hind legs with his front hoofs clasped before his underbelly, was a golden Earth Pony with bored hazel eyes, a trimmed beard and clean dark brown mane. His attire, unlike the silver and black armoured guards with matching helmets, consisted of a velvet sparkling cape with dark blue edges, dark gold armour gleaming from beneath.

He shrugged with a tiny smile to the rhetorical question. "You're certainly making yourself someone to remember."

"Someone to revere, my young bold friend." Moon corrected sternly, but still maintaining a smile of her own. "And in time, you will finally comprehend that, at times, fear is necessary to garner respect."

"Or generate even more fear."

"Than I shall simply make them see things my way in adoration. It is no hassle." The tall black alicorn smirked. "Now, are there any other matters to attend to tonight, Stardust?"

The gold pony checked the scrolled list from his caped pocket. "Er... Sweet Apple Acres is requesting the use of the sun again."

At that, Moon rolled her eyes mockingly. "Really? I have granted that request yesterday, and the day before! They should be grateful I'm even sparing them the thought."

"One hour of sun per day isn't just going to cut it, Princess." The stallion pointed out without fear, prompting the slight groans of the guards beneath their breaths to this everyday occurrence. "Plant life needs more than that. And remember, the nearest settlement requires that farm to keep the economy boosted."

"They could not simply find other means?"

"Times have changed drastically since your banishment."

"Don't remind me!" The alicorn snapped with glaring orbs towards the unflinching Earth Pony, who stared back at her defiantly. The guards exchanged faintly amused glances. This was just another dynamic of theirs, and it was quite a story.

As a prophecy foretold, Nightmare Moon, a short while back, had returned and bested a powerless Princess Celestia. The alicorn of the sun was henceforth banished to the moon in her sister's place, the vengeful pony asserting her dominance across the land and having the decaying castle they once ruled restored and as her main fortress, the castle in Canterlot discarded and forgotten. The populace was powerless and too afraid to stop the reign of Nightmare Moon and her unending night.

Then, one day, a lone Earth Pony stormed through the castle and incapacitated all the Princess's guards, leaving a trail of knocked out bodies on the way to the throne room. Nightmare was moreso intrigued than annoyed by the intrusion, and demanded to know what the stallion desired. In turn, the golden Earth Pony, instead of intending harm to the established ruler, inquired what she actually intended to accomplish to the world, and if those intentions would label her a threat to his eyes.

Once the guards regained consciousness, they had immediately hurried to the throne room to protect their Queen. To their utter confusion and wariness, their ruler and the intruder appeared to be in deep conversation, both looking frustrated and often thoughtful at the topic of their discussion. It was more civil than hostile. Once the two reached an agreement of sorts, the alicorn Princess proudly proclaimed the intruder as her new royal adviser. To Nightmare Moon, it was an advantage of gaining a powerful ally whom already proved useful in keeping her subjects accepting and content with her rule.

To Stardust, it was more of an advantage to keep the mare from going too far with her rule. He had never agreed mostly with how Celestia operated things, and these past few months Nightmare has proven to be more effective at the job than her banished sister, petty decisions and keeping an eternal night aside. Stardust had convinced the mare to at least allow the sun over Equestria for a brief time daily so that plant life could continue and her citizens to be healthy and alive. The two often clashed, but their relationship had slowly become one of wariness to one of mutual respect over time. Stardust respected the clear and logical decisions whereas Moon respected the stallion's fearless tendency to speak his mind, providing wise and clear advice for the alicorn to consider when making these decisions.

"What would you propose, adviser?" Moon inquired after a moment's contemplation.

Stardust had his answer ready. "Two hours of sun, three if you want to remind them how generous you are."

She smirked humouredly at the dry remark, nodding. "Very well, the sun shall return in just an hour from now. There is nothing else?"

"None Princess. There isn't any further matters until tomorrow."

The alicorn caught the slightly agitated tone, grinning teasingly. "Ah yes. Our favourite ambassador returned from Manehatten hours ago and currently rests in your chambers. I imagine you wish to spend the rest of the night with her."

Stardust grinned lightly in turn. "Am I that transparent, Princess?"

Moon chuckled, dismissing the only pony she would consider a friend around here. "Go, attend to your mare Stardust. I imagine she'll be thrilled to see you again. I must prepare to raise the sun." And both went their separate paths, the alicorn noting with wry, genuine fond amusement as Stardust's pace had quickened the further he exited down another hallway.

"And so the bold adviser arrives." The personal decorator of the castle remarked, closing the room door behind as the gold stallion approached. "Your ambassador is waiting for you, reading one of those books I can't wrap my head around."

"Thank you Rarity."

"How someone so studious and dedicated to the task at hoof sees something in an openly defiant pony with no respect for his betters I'll never know." The white unicorn dressed in elegance smiled lightly regardless, stepping aside for the pony. "Still, she could be a good influence on you for the future."

"Maybe she can bring back some of that charm you had before you started serving this castle."

Rarity huffed, rolling her eyes and brushing past the stallion with a mutter, "Try not to ruin the bed sheets this time..." With a smirk, Stardust slowly opened the chambers and stepped through, seeing the very purple unicorn he sought, peacefully sitting on her favourite reading chair with breathtaking sparkling eyes glued to the open pages.

His smirk lowering to a warm smile, Stardust decided against disturbing the mare and gently closed the door, removing his cape and silver armour to the side and taking a seat on the edge of the bed, rubbing his face rather tiredly. Another long day serving a bipolar ruler by her side, another night to relax.

Or day, since the sun will be up very soon...

About to flop onto the soft mattress of the Queen-sized bed, the golden Earth Pony felt the sheets shift to his left, a certain mare taking a seat beside him. Removing his hoofs, Stardust welcomed Twilight Sparkle's greeting embrace, wrapping his limb around her as the unicorn nestled into his side with a content smile and sigh. "You kept me waiting."


"Not your fault." The knowledgeable unicorn replied in faint amusement, the book she read floating beside her. "I'm just glad to be home."


A while back, Twilight wasn't accustomed to calling the castle that, especially with such affection. Hell, these physical interactions with a stallion was still something she was getting use to at times, always usually being an introvert, cutting off from the world even when news that Celestia was banished had taken over a widely panicking Canterlot.

"Rough day?" The stallion inquired knowingly.

Twilight smiled tightly. "The embassy took longer than anticipated; they were clearly stalling for time and looking through any means not to negotiate with anyone associated with the Princess of the Night."

"But you put your hoof down anyway."

The unicorn grinned slyly, looking up to meet Stardust's amused fond gaze. "I may have pressured the point onto them. Really I just wanted to get back sooner than later."

The Earth Pony cracked a grin. "My dear, it was that insufferable there you would rather be here where the pony everyone and their mother fears as opposed to elsewhere."

"When said place houses the very stallion who helped me find a better and new purpose in life? You already have the answer." Stardust smiled tiredly at that, and Twilight frowned in concern. "Please tell me she didn't overwork you again."

"Nah." But the Earth Pony flopped down on the dark blue quilt affixed with decorative stars, rubbing a hoof through his mane uncaringly. "Just a human thing. We get exhausted very easily."

"Of course." Twilight lied down beside the stallion, resting on one limb while looking down at the stallion she felt very strongly for. "Just don't be afraid to let me know, okay? Especially when you make me divulge everything that bothers me to you, Jack."

A wry playful grin. "Mostly ebcause I care for you, and partially because your voice is music to my ears." He watched Twilight's features heaten up, prompting his chuckle even when the unicorn lightly wracked his side with the book cover. A few seonds of silence before Stardust spoke up again, "What's on your mind, love?"

Twilight flushed, looking away in slight hesitation. "I'm just recollecting our first meeting, in Canterlot..."

"Ah..." He remembered that with a fond smile. "It wasn't easy, finding you you know."

"I was tyring not to be found." She shrugged. "But when some random Earth Pony visited my home and stubbornly offered me the chance to make something useful out of my life... Well, the whole thing still feel surreal."

"I recognized your remarkable talents, and told you and your parents the new ruler needed someone of your skills to assist in securing peace for Equestria." Regarding the ceiling, he frowned curiously. "Surprised it didn't take longer for you accept; I thought you revered Celestia."

"I do. That will never change." Violet eyes gazed at him intently, softening after a moment. "But, whatever it takes to... Make a change for the better, and finally do something outside of feeling sorry for myself... Then I'm willing to endure."

"I'm glad to hear that." He grinned sincerely, slowly reaching up and brushing a strand of her mane. Twilight blushed lightly at the contact, inciting Stardust to add. "And somehow, you fell for the only stallion who stands up to Moon while grinning and making fun of her."

The cheeks reddened in colour, Twilight shyly pressing her muzzle against his with a soft whisper. "Well... You're quite possibly the most intriguing, and often frustrating, stallion I've ever met... Even if you're not in reality a stallion." Stardust smirked, the unicorn the only pony he trusted to know this hidden secret. Twilight's expression then shifted to temporary doubt. "Do you think she suspects anything about you?"

"I'd be a fool not to." Brushing her cheek, Stardust added lightly, "But nothing will happen to you. I promise."

"I'm not worried about myself." The mare shook her head, eyes sparkling in concern. "What if something happens to you? Who knows what Nightmare would do if she learns you know more than you're letting-!"

It took without any effort a kiss to shut the unicorn up, the dazed purple pony staring into Stardust's firm but kind eyes as he kept Twilight close to him. "Don't stress yourself again Twilight, everything will be fine." And with that, their foreheads leaned against each other, their eyes closed as Stardust vowed with firm resolve. "I promise. You mean more to me than my own position in royalty. You're the reason I'm doing all this for..."

"I'm not that important..." Twilight leaned back then, looking both hopeful yet doubtful. And Stardust's smile was infectious enough for her to return it.

"You are to me, and that's what matters." The next few minutes were spent with Twilight resting into her lover's chest, listening to his beating heart with a content disposition. She could listen to that beat for a very long time. "The sun will be up in about an hour."

Twilight blinked, looking up curiously. "A suggestion of yours to our oh-so benevolent ruler, I imagine."

Stardust grinned at the playful remark. "And another suggestion of mine, my love, is that we make use of that hour by relieving our stress."

Twilight flushed hotly, at the hidden intentions beneath that teasing tone. "Rarity doesn't want us ruining the sheets again Jack..."

"I'll send her an apology fruit basket afterwards then..."

Stardust wrapped around the mare's waist and neck, pulling her closer. And the book Twilight was reading a few moments ago was the only witness to their passion, discarded on the bed beside the two ponies who completed one another.

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