Twidust (Stardust X Twilight) 73 members · 27 stories
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The Doctor closed the TARDIS’ doors as he stepped outside, observing his surroundings as he walked off the corner he had landed in. He had just witnessed the seventh planet-aligned eclipse of the Pnoraylar system, and it wasn’t as exciting as he hoped it would be. The fourth one was much better.

Now, where was he? He looked around a bit more. Ponyville, this was definitely Ponyville. Probably. Good, Ponyville was good, he wanted Ponyville.

A few ponies were looking his way, he just stared back at them. They eventually resumed whatever they were doing, albeit a bit weirded out, but having some ponies think he was weird was better than have them all trying to enter his ship.

Now, what time was it? It seemed to be a few months, maybe a year after Princess Luna’s return. Great! He’d be able to stop by the Wonderbolts and give Soarin a hello. It’s been a rather long time since they last-

“Doctor!” The shout shook him from his thoughts as he immediately ran towards its source. Somepony needed him? Well, he was sure Soarin wouldn’t mind waiting a bit longer for him, he didn’t even warn the pegasus he was going to show up, but that was how he worked.

The Doctor quickened his pace as the voice called for him one more time, and soon enough the stallion who seemed to have done it came to view. Hmm, golden fur, horribly messy mane, untrimmed beard and a cape. He looked amazing! The colt reminded the Doctor of himself, great taste in clothing and a raggedy look.

The 11th will have a blast worrying about adimensional entities messing with the fragile glass between worlds, all the while a less-grumpy, more fanboy Stardust dashes up and down the TARDIS and space.

Just a snippet of what I'm writing, hope it's good :pinkiesmile:

Darkwing Dust
Group Admin

Then Stardust's joy immediately turns into despair when he realizes he'd be travelling with his least favourite version of the Time Lord. XD Can't wait to see it!

It's good to know Eleven's his least favorite xD
I thought about making Seven meet him, but I don't think I'm quite there with writing him yet (not that I'm any better with other Doctors, but 7 is a special one with a poet's heart...s).

I'm a little behind on the Doctor Who series, and by that I mean I am still on the 10th doctor. Who is the 11th?

Darkwing Dust
Group Admin
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