NaNoWriMo Bronies 50 members · 5 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Moonlit Path
Group Admin

I'm aware that this month was extremely hard for people to write in. So,even though it's unusual, I will be extending it until the end of the month. The new due date for stories will now be Monday August, 14. Hopefully this will help more people reach their goal.

So, question. If the 50,000 is spread out over multiple stories... what to do?

Moonlit Path
Group Admin

6006582 Post the stories into the advanced folder, and them pm me a list with the stories and word counts.

Group Admin

The 14th? Alright... I'll see if I can't make more progress. (Gotta stop working on that Clop request now... er, again.)


Thank you for your consideration. Having struggled with the writing myself, I'm confident this extension will grant me just what I need to reach my advanced target of 50,000 words, at a daily average of 1,613 words. That sounds feasible to me, and unlike last month I don't need to spend two and a half weeks planning it out. This time, I know what tale I'm telling.

In fact, I might even indulge my delusional ambitious side and try to surpass it. The 31 days in July, at 3,226 words a day on average, could guarantee a prestigious 100,000-word total. I tried to reach that target in November of last year, and only got 75% of the way. It's an unlikely target, but one can dream, can one not? :raritywink:

Even better, I have a lot more free time this month! Hooray! Let the second wind commence!

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