Badass Princess Celestia 163 members · 98 stories
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Unicorn Range, 42 kilometers west of Canterlot
"She came from the heavens splitting apart the storm clouds in radiant light, like a small sun in the middle of the night. Clad in ornate steel and gold she gently landed on the fields of the Unicorn Range upon the scattered, bleeding, dying and dead soldiers, the loyal Royal Guard that were not preoccupied with their mortality stared in awe. A gentle field of light surrounded her each hoofsteps she took she passed the spilled blood of her stallion and from that blood started sprouting lilies. Silver Shield in his now grotesque and unfathomable form fired a blast of raw ether at her. Her light expanding and taking what he launched and without so much as standing there caused the scorched grass to somehow regrow and to the point that the beginnings of of great oaks where starting to sprout! She then in a less than the blink of an eye, vanished and reappeared in the heavens above. A great pillar of flame greater than the tallest tower in Canterlot befell the massive abomination of natural order lightly scorching it's skin, as it began to to stir she appeared within inches of it's massive form and she in a second launched into the sky, she summoned her great war-ax from the unknown confines of the universe into her right forehoof and in a mighty swing she split the atmosphere above Silver Shield and engulfed him in light, no plasma, hotter than anything seen in a laboratory at the time. Then silence as the fall of ash started to befall the now clear starry night sky. She landed next to the severed head of Henri Iron Claw, the Griffon, from the surrounding blood more white lilies grew and from her silent tears that fell onto the soil grass grew when it once was gone. And that is what I saw, the return of Celestia Solaris of Gaul, The Lady of Possibility, and the Light in the Path. I saw the return of something old, mighty and beautiful return into the world that she helped shaped. Only to see her doubt herself once more..."

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