GOOD Mary Sues 5 members · 5 stories
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Pure of Heart Paragons

Why Superman, Anacin Skywalker aren't one

Is your character a Mary Sue or just another original character! You want to ind out? Take this quiz! I worked hard on it and I have about 20 questions! Thank you!

Your OC might be OP if:
-They are the best in Equestria at something, especially if it's something common (like an earth pony that's stronger than other earth ponies).
-They beat one of the mane 6 at a contest that both parties joined willingly.
-They teach Twilight Sparkle anything.
-They are proficient with a kind of magic you invented.
-The princesses and/or the core cast come to them looking for help (especially if it's because they can't handle a problem).
-They are the only pony who can _______.
-They are a changeling that can do anything other than change appearance.
-They are a made-up species.
-They are personal friends with every canon character, including royalty.
-They have a reliable way to cheat death.

There is nothing wrong with this heavenly creature. No hardship or cross she had to bear. She's not greedy, prideful, self-centered, emotionally stunted, emotionally unstable, selfish, reckless, overconfident, naïve, blinded by love, womanizing, stupid, psychopathic, self-righteous, narcissistic, inexperienced, overly ambitious, narrow-minded, morally ambiguous, or arrogant. She has no vendetta, addiction, superiority complex, bloodlust, jealousy, or lust for power. She is a person with no flaw that can be considered something to work on personally while being incredible at every activity she engages in.

I am not trying to be rude but the way Ai feel is the more originality you have the better. Since nobody once to read a story like: Once there was a perfect girl. Her parents died and now she's sad. She is part cat and part alien/ghost/vampire and she can fly. Now she has fifty boyfriends. The End. Okay get to the quiz!

What did you get ?
and with which O.C.s ?

How to do it rite



Pure of Heart Paragons

When you try too mush not to be one


Why Superman, Anacin Skywalker aren't one


edit: this is just funny Link

Mary Sue Series
Mary Sues by JUST A ROBOT

edit: this video fells like it fits here


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