Tempest Shadow 1,054 members · 658 stories
Comments ( 65 )
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He is Jerry peet. He never understands and is just a fucking asshole who trys to counter argue and shoulden't have become a brony in the first place if he can't see any basics or hints of character development


Tempest, she wasn't exactly a sympathetic character from the start, it was only after "Open Up Your Eyes" did she become that

Lily clearly knows this, since at the 1:54 mark she says, "Throughout the second act of the film, I was admittedly getting rather tired of her shtick and wanted the film to do more with her. Then comes the third act, and I immediately regretted that..." indicating that, yes, Tempest wasn't depicted as sympathetic at first, and then the film went in that direction. I'm not sure what you even think Lily's point is since the "problem" you stated is something that's kind of obvious and not contradictory to what's said in the video.

However much you like the person or the amount of vitriol in their speech, there's still a point being made in there and 12 minutes of explanation.

As far as acknowledging counterpoints are concerned, she did say that Tempest's character was enjoyable up to that point. I fail to see how 12 minutes of explanation is somehow bashing "without explaining why they're bad villains," which isn't even true in Luna's case. (highlighted comment)

I'm assuming that this is the first video from Lily you have watched? In that case, she made four videos about/related to Luna and her role in the show, and two videos about Starlight.

What counterpoint is there to be had?

So I was on Tumblr and came across this...

While I've heard of Lily before, and I admit this is the first video of hers I've watched, after seeing a few more, quite a few of them seem to be filled with a lot of vitriol and anytime some raises another opinion against hers, they're immediately shot down. So excuse me if I take Lily's opinions with a grain of salt as she/he does have quite a bit of anger in his/her videos instead of acting calm like a proper reviewer or analyst would do.

And really, two entire videos about how one character (Starlight) sucks? Seems to be going a little bit overboard if you ask me. And FOUR relating to Luna and how she's better than Celestia in every aspect or Luna's role in the show, seems to be a bit of bias there if you ask me.

And you entirely missed that part about how Tempest would be a character... Er, lack of that part. Lily needed to include a counter argument as to how she could have been made better instead of just yammering on about how she/Luna/the Pony of Shadows sucked.

Well, if you're looking for a part where Lily suggests how to make Tempest better, there's this bit that starts at the 4:34 mark. "The sad part is that Tempest has a single line that gives off a much better idea for her as a villain..." and this suggestion continues on until 5:50.

The first Starlight video was shortly after The Cutie Re-Mark and centered on her as villain (since that's all there was at the time). The second one is about her as a reformed antagonist, posted during season seven.

The first Luna video was specifically around Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, the second one is about Luna's potential, the third one is pretty much dedicated to giving suggestions about specific story ideas for Luna, and the fourth is about Celestia and Luna collectively in A Royal Problem. None of them are about comparing Celestia to Luna.

>None of them are about comparing Celestia to Luna.
What is context?
Lily hates Celestia and Starlight, that's something I've noticed from watching those videos.

This is fucking disgusting. His comment just prove my fucking point. Oh yeah, the reason his video is so called "Positive" is just because his subscribers are just retarded idiots who think he is smart. And JERRY: YOU. ARE. A. FUCKING. MALE!!!

Wow. Just wow. Bigoted much? Your argument against Lily lost any chance of being listened to the moment you decided to just act like transvestites don't exist/or are the worst things ever. I don't like Lily's videos, but at least I have logical reasons for doing so, unlike you.

Are you trying to piss me off? I hate him for making shit videos and acts like HE is the RIGHT ONE while EVERYONE else is wrong or inferior to him, doesn't register character development and keep acting hostile to a character he don't like despite that they become more likable, whine like a little bitch because Sapphire made #RespectTheArtist. Make petty insults to everyone he doesn't like or if they get more likes than him, do I have to continue?

Oh yeah, He is not worthy being a transgender, mainly because of his shitty Tumblr Crap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1peuJlH9Yak
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phCXT7Eqhbs

And this amazing video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QEDHvxBNQw&t=2185s


...I have to wonder if you're trying to piss everyone off, cause it sure is hell is working on me. I admit Lily is a jerk, but you're just getting purely bigoted now.

Oh yeah, He is not worthy being a transgender, mainly because of his shitty Tumblr Crap:

Not worthy? Who the HELL are you to judge someone for being not worthy?

I'm using proof and facts, have you even looked at the videos?!?

Yeah, I've looked at the videos and like I said, Jerry/Lily is a jerk, but you're no nice person yourself.

This is fucking disgusting. His comment just prove my fucking point. Oh yeah, the reason his video is so called "Positive" is just because his subscribers are just retarded idiots who think he is smart. And JERRY: YOU. ARE. A. FUCKING. MALE!!!

Really? Retarded? That insult is so offensive in so many ways to people who are actually screwed up in the head I can't even begin to... And who cares if Jerry/Lily wants to be a girl now? It's her choice. You claim Jerry/Lily acts like a child, but from what I've seen you're not exactly mature yourself.

Can I just call for this thread to be locked, please? It's just descended into petty arguments about who's arrogant or not (My fault, I admit) and just arguing about Lily Peet and how offensive she really is.

I agree. Let's never speak of this again

This happens a lot when it comes to a Lily Peet video. It's never about the content of said video itself; it always turns to Lily as a person.

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