Tempest Shadow 1,054 members · 658 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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That Tempest Shadow's song is epic.

In fact, perhaps the epicest in the movie. I mean, holy cow, you gotta love that militant, "imperial anthem" vibe it has going on. It's like a window into whatever civilization she's coming from, representing the Storm King and his minions. And it's also such a perfect look at Tempest's personality and life philosophy up to that point as well. I cannot wait to see how the fandom is gonna remix this into some kind of glorious mock boss battle theme or what-have-you, amirite? :twilightsmile:

Also we need a Tempest Shadow smiley icon, ASAP. Get on it, admins!

My favorite song as well, though its a lot better with visuals.

At this point I'll just settle for a Tempest character tag! :flutterrage:

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