Comments ( 5 )
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Alsvid, The Narwhal Assassin, and Agnes Hart have been active and contributing members of the unsafe space. While these people may have intresting views at best, they have been active contributing members to the Unsafe Space and their exclusion from the Contributors Corps for this long is a mistake that I cannot tolerate anymore.

I want to make it clear I don't agree with these people, but by being fair and objective and maintaining the diversity of thought, they should rise in position. I ask each of you to provide your opinion on this, depending on the results in 24 hours (12 AM PST) I will act or not.

I'm fine with giving Contributer Status to Narwhale and Agnes, but not Alsvid. They've constantly demanded to be made a Contributer, but they also repeatedly insulted and mocked Admins and a slew of other users in the group. Whats the point of giving them Contributer Status if they'll just end up banned in the future?


I agree with Hellblazer, wanting to grant Alsvid a contributor status (even though he treat us all like garbage) would be like giving an admin status to Krysix even though he disrespected you.

Alsvid is a definite no, what is the point of giving contributor status to someone who is very likely to get banned at some point in the near future? Narwhal at least makes a bit more sense, Agnes is the one out of the three I would most like to see with contributor status.

Definitely Agnes. I'll take her. Also, Miss Direction. We need her promoted.

We do need more Liberals. The problem is that they rarely speak, and only the Progressives speak. Do you guys know of any Classical Liberals? We should at least invite them to check the group out (and maybe ban Alsvid when he lays down the final straw, since he seems to also scare away the Classical Liberals and just encourages Conservatives and the Alt-Westies to speak up against him)

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