Comments ( 14 )
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The admins of all people shouldn't be breaking site rules.


Sounds reasonable, who did it and, could you please, link us where said admin/senator decided to attack someone?

Yes, I have been considering this very strongly, thank you for bringing this up.


Hum, this isn't the first time he has commented stuff like that (he went something like that after I decided to call out wikileaks for the russian lapdogs they are and he thought "I was smarter than that") and I agree with you.

But first.


Lock the thread?

I already locked that thread, if you're referring to the link above.


Thank you. In that case, should we have a discussion with prodigy or send him a warning?

I say we have a discussion. As you said, this isn't the first time he's done this, and as an admin, he should be held to a higher standard.

I see, that does explain why some of my fellow admins have emphasized "no personal attacks" a bit more lately. I have been here since the beginning and in all honesty there has been almost no actual enforcement of this until fairly recently. In all honesty I was surprised when I was made admin because it was not long after I had a rather ugly argument with Hellblazer and questioned why he was made an admin, a question that was never really answered as to be honest I did actually mean every bad thing I ever said about him. If site admins are more strongly emphasizing this though than I suppose we must as well. I have made no secret that there are people on here that frankly I have complete contempt for, though there are some here I in fact respect; one of them being Trigger Warning, and his trust in me far more than I hate those people and don't want to let him down. I am considering a public statement on the group of my intentions, because if we are more strictly enforcing this than I do agree that admins should set a good example and that I haven't always set the best one in the past.

6065660 Perhaps that wasn't the best way to express that opinion, but I do feel that this Russian stuff is tin foil hat territory and was a bit surprised that you believed it because you were one of the members on here I respected the most. Despite that and some other opinions I don't agree with that is still the case and I hope our future conversations can be steered in a more positive direction.


It is understandable to believe such things, but you can come to that conclusion once you start to analyze who wikileaks goes after and doesn't even mentions. Especially if you research the history of who decided to found wikileaks, who's been protecting him and how does it's creator behaves.

Something with such a dark past (and that still lives under such way of acting) cannot be seen as a savior, that would be like saying that Chávez was a good guy even though he befriended Fidel Castro, Assad, North Korea, Putin and every single dictator you can come up with.

But, if one disagreement was all that was needed to lose your respect, then you never respected me on the first place.



I'll addess Alsvid and Reynolds today when I return from my course. I'll choose my words carefully.

6066444 Actually you misunderstood what I said, I didn't lose respect for you for that but was a bit surprised and dissapointed. Still though, I probably shouldn't have said "I thought you were smarter than that." If you don't believe I am sincere than I suppose all I can do is try to do better in the future.

Alsvid has been addressed. Reynolds is a different story. I'm not sure whether to give him two official warnings, or just one official warning, and a demotion. Like Alsvid, he did do two epic dumbs, and must face consequences for this.

6068062 The fact that they both started a fight even in my apology thread shows a profound lack of respect toward me and everyone else here.

If you can't even discuss anything non political without things turning into a shit show that is not good. I say demote Reynolds.

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