Comments ( 14 )
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Greetings, after thinking about it, I think that we should let the reviewers have (at least) a Magistrate equivalent position so they can ask us where do the stories they review could go to.

I also think that we (along the Magistrates and President) should first find a select group of reviewers and ask them if they would like to be here, then (if they do accept this position here) ask them about the type of folders needed to make reviews here, including the amount of time they would need to make reviews (if they should have a minimum quota, a máximum quota, etc).

I also propose that this debates should take, at least, a day so all the senators have enough time to enter into the discussion before we enter into a vote (with the maximum amount of time being a week if this debates don't get a consensus).

Any proposals? Like should we get only credited reviewers or ask to those we think could give it a shot, or both?


Proposal 1 (Trigger Warning): The Contributors could also search for reviewers into the group.

Proposal 2 (Trigger Warning): While everybody can review stories on their like, only Senators, official reviewers and authors themselves can put stories on the special folders (ex: red Pills, Absolute Gold, Absolute Garbage, etc.).

We could also let the contributors do it.

I guess I'll volater when I have free time from work.

I'd also like to publically post politically incorrect reviews that I write myself!

What if only senators, official reviewers, and the authors themselves, have the authority to put stories in potentially humilitating or favoritized folders, while the rest of us staff members, the President and the Magistrate, and really most casual users, can just review as they please without putting them in particular folders?


Good Proposals, very useful.

5834694 That seems like a good idea.

I also agree that debates should take a while, especially as I live in a different timezone to (I'm pretty sure) the majority of you.

5835640 That does make for particular folders like the "absolute garbage" folder for example.

I agree with Grant's proposals.

5848260 Actually, one thing: Maybe we don't need the reviewer position, maybe we should just let senators and contributors do the reviewing. If it's okay with you, I'd like to add that.

I'm not a senator. They vote, not me!


Oh, yeah, my apologies. Well, this is for a resolution on what to do next, not to make a rule. I suppose (since this is basically about making rules and what to do with the site) we can make later a new debate to determine the power of the reviewers (or who can review) since only 2 proposals (yours) has been approved so far.

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