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Samantha Bee dismantles ‘white pride curious’ Someone With Tiny Hands and his alt-right ‘Jew-baiting’ fanboys

Full Frontal host Samantha Bee -- (TBS screen grab)

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Monday evening, Full Frontal host Samantha Bee took a long look at how GOP presidential nominee Someone With Tiny Hands bigoted base and wondered, “How exactly did America’s wall-building, Muslim-banning, birther-in-chief become the darling of the racist fringe?”

Showing clips of Someone With Tiny Hands repeating, “I’m the least racist person you have ever met,” Bee shared another clip of a black Someone With Tiny Hands fan being escorted from a rally, before adding, “Is that your black friend there? The one you called a thug and threw out of your rally this weekend because you assumed he was a protester?”

“They must be escorting him to a private blacks-only meeting with Someone With Tiny Hands about how not racist he is,” Bee suggested.
According to the TBS host, Someone With Tiny Hands has been catering to the so-called alt-right due to the influence of CEO Steve Bannon, calling him,  “Someone With Tiny Hands’s current campaign commandant, the guy who feeds them and makes sure they can spread out enough so as not to drown in their own shit.”

Bee then took a stab at identifying what exactly the alt-right is.

“Basically alt-right is a big tent, or a big rock, under which which creeps a diverse assortment of paleo-conservatives, men’s rights misogynists, right-wing populists, anti-p.c. crusaders, Jew-baiters, white-ethno nationalists, southern secessionists, Islamaphobes, Holocaust deniers, self-described satirists, trolls, doctors, cyberbullies and good old-fashioned neo-Nazis,” she ticked off.

“Today’s American white nationalist isn’t just gathering with other local dickheads for backyard cross burnings and barbeques,” she continued. “He’s on the internet, networking with other dickheads throughout the world — or at least the white parts of the world.”


trolls, doctors,

Why trolls and doctors?
I kinda get the troll part. But doctors?


Group Admin


Actually, I have a theory why she said that. A few theories, even.

A few well-educated professional people are getting in on the Alt-Right action.

Have you read about the Alt-Right Professor? I think I covered it.

It's a scary thought, really. One must be careful. Your surgeon, dentist, general care physician, teacher, or lawyer could be an Alt-Right person.

I have heard that the Alt-Right is gaining traction in the IT sphere, even.

5606258 Obviously, someone in any profession could be an alt-right. But lumping in all doctors with Nazis and misogynists seems a tad bit alarmist and generalizing.

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I dig your point. Besides, I'm sure there are lots of black and colored doctors who would be upset about being lumped in with Alt-Right people.

I was also thinking about the growing furor (lol) going on in the medical spheres about how certain doctors treat minority patients poorly, but, again, your point about them not all being like this comes to mind. :twilightsmile:

5606301 I find that one of the greatest enemies of intellectual thought and discussion is the generalization. As such, I found it odd that Madame Bee seemed to use it.

Thanks for excavating my point.
I'd recommend putting your archeological skills to even better use.

Group Admin


Arguably, Samantha Bee is a troll, which undermines her own point about alt-right people cornering the market on trolls. She really does say things just to mess with people, though, and that is part of the pillars of trolling, from what I understand.

I mean, come on, she wrote a book called "AMERICA". You can't tell me she wasn't trying to mess with people by doing that. :rainbowlaugh:

I like to think she uses her powers for good and not for evil, though. Instead of sharing epic Pepe Nazi memes, she purposefully says things that are generalizations to make people's skin crawl.

5606369 Ugh, the Pepe Nazi Memes anger me as a soldier of TheBestTeethInTheGame's faction within the current War for Meme Succession.
Such a terrible misuse of Pepe.
One day, he'll be avenged...

Group Admin


Bruh, imagine how mad I was when I found out the media thinks Anime is for alt-right people. Sweet Jesus. I know that feel, bruh.

According to one guy, "It's always cute moe anime girls yelling nazi shit at me".

NOTHING IS SAFE. :raritycry:

I can't wait until they find out about Aryanne the Nazi My Little Pony.

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