Sci-fi 128 members · 121 stories
Comments ( 58 )
  • Viewing 51 - 100 of 58

It rammed a Star Destroyer's bridge tower and tore through it, unscathed. It was stupid.

Group Admin

But less stupid than what I thought Seven meant and that the fighter phased through the Star Destroyer.

Not sure if that would have been better or worse.

Don't be so whiny about it. It's basically a manned flechette projective, which is kind of insane in a kamikaze way, but not really entirely unfeasible. Would make for a garbage ship, but conceptually, the idea is functional.

Group Admin

Well ramming through the bridge tower brings to mind that hilarious DOS era cutscene involving a CR-90 taking out the bridge towers of multiple docked ISDs. So, that's a plus.

  • Viewing 51 - 100 of 58