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Source: PanAm Post

Written in September 7th of 2016

Venezuela’s political opposition convened in front of the National Electoral Office building this Wednesday, September 7 to demand a release date for the referendum votes that could recall President Nicolás Maduro.

However, they were met with military and police, who blocked the crowd from entering the building.

MUD has been meeting since last week with the objective of organizing a way to put pressure on the government’s timetable for counting the referendum votes.

Regional CNE buildings around the country have reportedly been granted police protection ahead of increased attempts to have the referendum votes counted.

In the states of Sucre and Falcón, for example, pro-government forces were installed near government buildings this week, preventing people from passing.

In Zulia, Lara, Táchira, Miranda and Carabobo, access points to the CNE buildings have reportedly been jammed and blocked in expectation of peaceful protests.

The opposition has organized groups in 23 states in Venezuela that aim to confront various CNE branches.

In Caracas, Lilian Tintori and Patricia de Ceballos — the wives of political prisoners Leopoldo López and Daniel Ceballos — were recently expelled from the CNE building for pushing officials.

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“We are 10 women dressed in white, and we didn’t push them,” Tintori said.

Gregorio Graterol, Falcón State Representative in the National Assembly, said members of the government had rocks thrown at them at the CNE building in Falcón this Wednesday.

“We arrived to rocks and sticks,” Graterol wrote on Twitter, “and this is the peace the government has guaranteed.”

Source: El Nacional; La Patilla

Written by: Sabrina Martín
Sabrina Martín is a Venezuelan journalist, commentator, and editor based in Valencia with experience in corporate communication. Follow @SabrinaMartinR.

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