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Only 36% (aprox. in a country with a population of over 20 Million) has access to the internet and Correa has full control of what goes in and out.

There isn't a single journalist allowed to talk bad about him, the last newspaper that did it (El Universo = The Universe) in 2011, was demanded by Correa and (after winning, because he has control of the Supreme Court in Ecuador) then sent its directors to the jail for 1 year before releasing them.

Journalist aren't even allowed to speak on the internet because if they do, then Correa force them to say "sorry" after 3 times and write an apology letter.

IN economy, Correa has a strict control over the economy, forcing business to pay rent before they start making profits and (since Electricity is more costly than gas) force his citizens to use electric stoves over gas (and saying that he will eliminate subsidies of the gas if they don't change to electricity).

He also changed the Parliament to be One Cameral and he has >100 seats of 137 (3/4) so nothing can stop him.

That is just a few of the problems, thankfully his popularity is going down due to economic crisis that came with the lowering of the oil prices and the two leaders in the opposition that are running in the presidency (Guillermo Lasso and Cynthia Viteri) are of better ideologies and have better ideas than Correa (Lasso is an economist going for a economic overhaul and Viteri is a Social Christian going for a betterment of the society, both things destroyed by Correa).

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

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