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Doctor Theodore Kaczynski Ph.D., a man who was unfortunately homely and inarticulate, snapped and starting mailing bombs. because he could not get laid. If only prostitution would have been decriminalized, with a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" when it came to age (prostitutes do not ask the age of their clients and clients do not volunteer their ages), he would not have snapped and murdered 3 people and 23 others. For women who do not understand, I shall explain:

Men have an instinct to reproduce —— ¡No Duh! For males who have gone through puberty, but are virgins, it leads to this endless loop of internal monologue:

"¡Must have sex with anything that moves, as long as it is female and human, but I have not have sex, not even once!"

This leads to a psychotic break in the late teens or early 20s. Simply letting teenaged boy, preferably in their early teens get laid, prevents the psychotic break.

If you do not believe me, just look at all of the virgin boys who shoot up their high schools. They target jocks who get laid and the girls who never let them have sex. If just 1 of those girls just would have given 1 pityfuck to these boys, they would not have shot up their schools. Unfortunately, these schools are in America, where prostitution is mostly illegal and any homicidal maniac can get guns and ammunition.

Another sad example is the Mad Bomber, another virgin who had a psychotic break and started bombing.

Looking to other cultures, in Islam rich men Bogart all the women by taking 4 wives. Poor virgin men learn that if they become suicidebombers, they get 72 virgin women, they can fuck eternally in the afterlife. These virgin men are not just bombers, they are the bombs because they are suicidebombers.

We could end all of this suffering by decriminalizing prostitution.

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