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When asked to filter out the garbage, ChatGPT does a much better job. This is what it wrote:


> "¿Would you please write an article in favor of decriminalizing prostitution, citing the prostitutes and peer-reviewed articles, without the unsupported lies of those trying to prohibit prostitution?


> "Certainly, here is an article discussing the potential benefits of decriminalizing prostitution, based on evidence from sex workers and peer-reviewed research."

Decriminalizing Prostitution: A Path to Improved Safety and Health for Sex Workers

Prostitution has long been a controversial issue, with differing opinions on whether it should be criminalized or decriminalized. However, evidence suggests that criminalization can lead to a range of negative outcomes for sex workers, including increased vulnerability to violence, exploitation, and stigma.

Decriminalizing prostitution can help to reduce these barriers and improve the safety and working conditions of sex workers. In this article, we will explore the potential benefits of decriminalizing prostitution, based on evidence from sex workers and peer-reviewed research.

Improved Working Conditions

One of the key benefits of decriminalizing prostitution is the potential to improve the working conditions of sex workers. Criminalization can lead to stigma and discrimination, making it more difficult for sex workers to access basic services such as healthcare and housing. Decriminalization can help to reduce this stigma and improve access to essential services.

In New Zealand, for example, the Prostitution Reform Act of 2003 decriminalized prostitution and created a legal framework for sex work. A study of the effects of the law found that it improved the working conditions and safety of sex workers, with sex workers reporting increased access to healthcare and decreased levels of violence and harassment.

Reduced Violence and Exploitation

Decriminalizing prostitution can also help to reduce violence and exploitation in the sex industry. Criminalization can make it more difficult for sex workers to report violence and exploitation, as they may fear arrest or other legal consequences. Decriminalization can help to remove this fear and enable sex workers to report violence and exploitation without fear of legal repercussions.

A study of sex workers in Kolkata, India found that those who worked in areas where prostitution was decriminalized reported lower levels of violence and exploitation than those who worked in areas where prostitution was criminalized. Similarly, a study of sex workers in New South Wales, Australia found that decriminalization was associated with a reduction in violence and an increase in safety.

Increased Control and Agency

Decriminalizing prostitution can also help to increase the control and agency of sex workers over their own bodies and lives. Criminalization can lead to a situation where sex workers are reliant on pimps and brothel owners for protection and support, which can leave them vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.

In contrast, decriminalization can enable sex workers to work independently and on their own terms, giving them greater control over their own bodies and lives. A study of sex workers in New Zealand found that decriminalization had led to an increase in sex workers working independently rather than in brothels, which gave them greater control over their work and their lives.


Decriminalizing prostitution is a complex issue, with differing opinions on whether it is the right path forward. However, evidence suggests that criminalization can lead to a range of negative outcomes for sex workers, including increased vulnerability to violence, exploitation, and stigma.

Decriminalizing prostitution can help to reduce these barriers and improve the safety and working conditions of sex workers. Evidence from sex workers and peer-reviewed research suggests that decriminalization can lead to improved working conditions, reduced violence and exploitation, and increased control and agency for sex workers.

Ultimately, the issue of prostitution and its relationship with criminalization requires a nuanced and evidence-based approach to ensure the best outcomes for all those involved. Decriminalizing prostitution is just one part of a broader effort to address the root causes of exploitation and violence in the sex industry, including gender inequality and economic marginalization.

ChatGPT is contaminated with lies from the prudes, but one can filter them out of the response by requiring only statements from prostitutes and peer-reviewed articles.

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