Prostitution 9 members · 0 stories
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As we all know, all the peer-reviewed studies support decriminalization of prostitution. In the conversation with ChatGPT, I discovered that its databases are contaminated with assertions from prohibitionists. That got me thinking:

> "Even if I steelman the numbers from the prohibitionists, they still fail terribly."

We must 0thly define steelmanning:

Steelmanning is the opposite of strawmanning:

Strawmanning is when, rather than addressing an argument, one addresses a weaker version of the argument.

I have an example:

Some people are institutionalized for life because of physical and mental disabilities. It is current policy to force them to their entire lives and then die as virgins. I point out that this is so cruel that it would be more humane to euthanize them than to never let them have sex. I argue that we should prevent conception and let them have sex with each other.

I get this strawman:

> "¡You want to sterilize and euthanize all adults with physical and mental disabilities!"

That is a strawman of mine argument.

Steelmanning is the opposite of strawmanning. One fortifies the bad arguments of the opposition with iron until they are made of steel and then stow that even these superversions of the original argument do not work. I shall use magnitudes ( absolute value of the difference in decimal (Log10) logs, for quantifying. Here we go:

Prostitutes are forced to have sex with over an hundred men daily.

Let us start wby rounding down to an even 100, just as not to be too cruel. That is over 4 men an hour, which is ridiculous. Typically, prostitutes only have a client half the time, or 4 daily, working 8 hours. This claim is off by a magnitude of 1.4. Let us steelman this argument:

Let us suppose that a big event comes to town. A prostitute decides to pull a 12-hour shift and has sex with a score (20) of clients. We did everything we could to help the argument, but it is still of by a magnitude of .7.

Prohibitionists claim that a women had to have sex with a million men over the course of 15 years. I shall assume that they misspoke and meant and meant a million times instead. That comes to over 7 times an hour. This is an utterly stupid claim.

Let us assume that a prostitute works 200 days yearly and has sex with 4 men daily. That is 12,000 times in 15 years. The original claim is off by a magnitude of 1.9. We shall steelman it to 20 times daily and have her work 365.25 days yearly. That is the utterly ridiculous 109,575 times in 15 years, That is still off by 1 order of magnitude.

Prohibitionists claim that 400 thousand children are trafficked for sexual exploitation annually in the United States of America. Even 1 child is too many, but the real figure is less than 1 thousand. They are off by 2.6 magnitude. Let us steelman their argument by assuming that they ment 4,000. They are still of 2 magnitude.

Interestingly, the last argument spawned the RescueIndustry:

The last argument caused soft-headed people to ask whither they could send money for helping rescue these children. Grifters responded by founding Project Polaris, a charity which has taken in billions of dollars and helped none —— ¡except those running it! Project Polaris is pure grift.

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