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Time Reaper
Group Admin

Dealing with the Public can be one of the most excruciating things for an asperger. We have to deal with a world that doesn't care about us, we have to deal with a world with ways of function that doesn't go the way we like and whenever we try to understand people it's just too difficult, and that's not even talking about bullies or (God forbid) family issues.

Over the course of my life I learned that we don't need to understand the world, we could just hide away and become a hermit. But in doing so, we would never reach the limits of our potential neither use it how it should be. By opening up to the world (or at least try) we can get to develop a side of us that could easily influence our lives in unimaginable ways.

I used to be a very closed person: I never tried to open up to people neither tried to understand them, I learned just enough to talk or move around but, overall, I was an easy pick for bullies. In Primary I was always the one making the first blows and it always got me in troubles, so (after finding Christ and my mom starting to teach me a little bit through him) I started to learn how to be patient and in high School (when the worst bullies appear) I started to learn that they could be very annoying but, as long as you followed the rules and NEVER make the first punch, they were actually easier to deal with than it looked like.

In some part of my life I started to realize that bullies were, somehow, like me. THey had things that made them happy, sad, angry, etc. So I started to play their game whenever they tried to bully me: I would laugh and play dumb whenever they tried to harass me with sexual jokes or dumb insults (if they see that you either don't understand or doesn't care for their insults then they get frustrated), I acted like if I didn't cared for anything or were made out of stone so whenever they tried to hit me or harass me I would just keep a straight face and (my favorite) if they ever tried to make physical (direct or indirect) harassment, then I would play their game and become the most annoying thing they've ever met.

I would annoy them with "that's my spot" or stretch my arms so they hit them (if they were behind me, if they were in front of me I would put my legs under their seats), the trick is doing it very slowly so they get annoyed at how long it takes you and I would make sure that I never make the first punch. If they ever wanted a fight, they would make the first fight and (after the fight broke out and we were sent to the principal) I would act as if I never did anything (because I didn't) and the bully would always be the one losing.

Granted, I did ended up losing fights (both mentally and physically) and I would even hit the wrong person more than once, but overall. I always tried my best to never mingle or get close to the bullies (they had to search for me, which is something else that would make them easy prey for the director of the High School)

Years later, in college, I realized that I acted like a fool (partially) and that while I didn't do anything to regret (for the most part), I admit that I could have been a better person. I started to read and investigate all the sources I had, from The Bible to history, and I started to become more like the type of man I wanted to be.

I realized that the best way to act was always through civility and following the rules, never degrading yourself to the level of those you despise (as The Bible says "Don't mingle in useless fights that goes anywhere") for they only makes you feel worse. Go for the Best and always get close to the people that makes you feel better and helps you to become a better person, which is the reason why we must always try to open up to others (as torturous as it could be) for we could find things that will improve us for the best.

Ask help to others about rules, civil codes, etiquette and always treat others with respect even if you think they don't deserve it ("treat others the same way you want to be treated") and always try to be proud of who you are and where you have reached in your life.

I never understood the importance of it when I was told that I could be "whatever I wanted if I just focused on it", but now that I do, I want to give it a try and see how much I can do and how many I can help that way.

This is why I now formally request to our admin Niclove to start a thread/google doc where we can discuss the rules that must be done to this site. We must discuss its purpose, its structure, its objective, what is allowed and what isn't, how to manage the folders and how to handle stories and members and much more.

Thank you all for reading, I wish you for a nice day.

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