Comments ( 7 )
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Group Admin

Just to be clear, the Character in the Episode must be confirmed to have Aspergers !

Darth Redbeard
Group Contributor

5322163 might want to work on some grammar

not sounding mean, but...

Group Admin

5322581 Can you please Spell-Check . What did I do wrong ?

Darth Redbeard
Group Contributor


Jest to be clear,

Jest needs to be just

the Character in the Episode most be confirmed in the to have Asperger

Most needs to be must

delete the second, "in the"

add s to the end of Aspergers

Group Admin

5322636 Is it good now ?

Darth Redbeard
Group Contributor

5322646 that's better

sorry. bad grammar just really bother me. I know I also have bad grammar and I'm trying to fix that

Group Admin

5322649 and I need friends to help me with that

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 7