HaS Political group 44 members · 0 stories
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I mean, just look at this.

By how much they speak about being "progressive" the Sanderist really doesn't show that.

Because it's the police's fault that their socialist kike candidate lost lmao

I dunno if you can call them Sanderist if they don't give a crap about Sanders.

I also wouldn't call them fanatics. I mean, they're not shooting anyone or setting off bombs or throwing molotov cocktails or anything like real fanatics do. They don't even seem to be flipping over cars or smashing storefronts. On the Frustrated Fanatic scale, they don't even rank "English Football Fan". When all the media has to show for action is a person climbing a fence, you know nothing truly dire is going down.


What about "Anti-Hillarist"? I mean, if they're not acting in support to Bernie Sanders then they're acting against Hillary Clinton (specially if they're going to vote for Trump now as you said once).

I'll take Anti-Hillarist, though anti-Establishment is probably more the case. I doubt that too many of them are going to vote for Trump; most of the original Bernie backers will probably vote for Hillary and the rest will either go Green or go home.

5386500 I believe most actually will go for Jill in the Green party, others for Hillary, and a fair size will go Trump.

5386162 I mean they have the right to protest but as a Bernie supporter myself I just wish these guys would accept defeat. We had a good run of it and we lost. Try again in 4 years. Frankly I supported Bernie because unlike Shillary he actually seemed like a dude I could trust, he actually talked about the problems in America and how we could fix them and he actually had a plan for the nation that at the very least made sense. I mean all the other politicians just throw buzzwords around and hope nobody notices. And y'know what. We lost. So I'm just gonna tip my hat to Shillary and sit quietly in the corner for 4 years and see if Bernie tries again.

But then again these are those regressive fucks that misuse the very term of "Liberal" (As far as my dictionary tells me).

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