Project; Community! 47 members · 202 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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I'm The Corn. I'm in charge of advertising the group, I didn't create it. Here are some questions you might have about the group, and the answers to them.

"This group says don't judge, so does that mean I can't give positive feedback?"

Okay, just to make this clear, POSITIVE judgement is allowed! In fact, we encourage it! It's just negative judgement that we don't like!

"But, you can't stop negative feedback, otherwise nobody will know how to improve."

Yes, I know, and I do understand that both positive AND negative feedback are important, but there's a difference between being cryptic and being mean. For example, saying 'you need to work on your spelling' is different to 'you can't spell'.

"You're not going to stop bullying."

As much as we'd love to stop bullying, it's true that we can't. But, we CAN support people who talk to us about problems that they've had, which, in my opinion, is better than doing nothing at all.

"I have a problem, will you help me?"

Yes. I can't physically do anything to help you, but I can support you, and I can give you advice. I'm not magic though, and I can't solve your problems, but I can still help you through them. If you have a problem that you want to talk about, then you can PM me or any of the group admins, and we'll listen and support you.

"This group doesn't judge, so, for example, if I said that somebody's story was rubbish, you wouldn't judge me, would you?"

You would be right when you said that our group doesn't judge, (except in a positive way), so we would probably give you a second chance to make things right. Although, if you was to continue being mean to people then we could have you kicked out of the group. It says in the group rules that you have to be nice to people, and everyone on the group must follow these rules, so if you get kicked out for being mean, it's not because of us being judgemental, it's because of us being fair to everybody else on the group who has to follow these rules too!

"What is your definition of nice and what is your definition of mean?"

If you want to be nice, you just have to be polite, don't say anything that could annoy or upset anyone, and think about what you're saying before you send it. We don't want to cause offence. You can give them positive feedback and like their stories.

Please do not be mean. This includes stuff like name-calling, swearing (although swearing is accepted in-context, please try to keep it to a minimum), bullying, and leaving negative feedback on people's work with no reason why. (Example, saying 'I hated every second of this.' This does not give the author any reason why you do not like their work, and therefore the author cannot improve, and this comment shall probably just make them feel bad about themselves, since they've probably gone to a lot of effort to write their story.)

In conclusion...

Basically, be nice. We're not here to judge, unless it's positive, in which case, judge away! We don't like meanies, and please follow the rules. Also, if someone posts negative feedback on your story, ask them why they felt that way, and if they carry on being horrible and judgemental, just ignore them. So what if one person doesn't like your story? There could be loads of other people out there that do! Don't let other's get you down, and if they give you a valid reason towards why they don't like it, then try to change that in your next chapter/story. Never give up! If you believe in yourself, anything is possible! Well, almost anything....

If you have any other questions, don't be afraid to ask me or Magical Sheild. I hope this helped, but for now, The Corn, signing out.

Sounds like a cleaner named version of my group for the same goal, either way, you have my support

5223582 Thanks! And, can we have a link for your group?

be wary of the name though. I was not lying, the reason for the group is just as I said, but the name is a bit offensive at times. Though if you read the front page its made a little more clear

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