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SSAE's blog

Long story short:

Around the time I started my Patreon thingy, SPITZtheGOD PM'd me, asking if I'd be interested in supporting a publication. I've always... more or less been opposed to the prospect, mostly because my adoration of the epic fic has waned throughout the years and I never wanted to make profit out of actually printing a work of derivative fanfiction. But they've assured me that such a thing can be accomplished in such a way that would not result in profiting off the printed horse words. In other words, all of the money going into it would go directly to the production of the book.
SPITZtheGOD isn't just blowing hot air, either. They're part of a Facebook Group dedicated towards getting this kind of shiet done, and already they've talked about utilizing a publisher called "Lulu" to make it happen. They'll then work out a way to have all of the books sent out to those who order it (probably in two volumes, cuz that shiet's friggin' huge).
In other words, it almost sounds like the Noble Jury Hoodie order, only for a Background Pony printing.
If anyone is seriously interested in this, then--by all means--leave a comment. I can only imagine that this sort of a thing would take off with the support of everyone involved. What's the cost? I'm not sure, and I doubt SPITZtheGOD has any idea either, seeing as it's still a thing being planned out. I'm not the one running this either, so I'd suggest tossing messages over to SPITZtheGOD if you want to know more details or are willing to lend a tentacle to the cause. This is a project conjured out of the lurve for Background Pony, after all, so the more the merrier.

I would absolutely be interested in getting a printed copy of this. I think this story deserves to be out there for proper enjoyment by everyone :D

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