A Prompt A Day, Contests, And Reviews 36 members · 116 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Shimmer Shy
Group Contributor

Summary: Discord befriends an energetic pink pony after the events at the Gala.

Con's: Overall, the story was great and had only a few small mistakes, most likely just typing the wrong thing. At one part it did feel a bit rushed:

Discord took his paw off of Pinkie’s head and crossed his arms over his chest. He raised his head back to its normal place above Pinkie’s and shot her a look.
Pinkie’s hair deflated and some tears started to form in her eyes.

But as I said, not very many cons and a very nice story.

Pro's: Honestly, I don't like the character Discord, but I enjoyed this story anyway. It was very cute and funny and Discord and Pinkie were very in character. I liked how it was short but sweet and definitely kept me reading. Great story! :raritywink:

This was my first review, I hope it's OK.

I Like Pie
Group Admin

4946451 It's a great review, thanks for doing it!


Thank you for the kind review. :) I appreciate it.

Shimmer Shy
Group Contributor

You're welcome! :heart::twilightblush:

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