A Prompt A Day, Contests, And Reviews 36 members · 114 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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I Like Pie
Group Admin

Summary Discord and Flutters are having tea together but then Discord finds a special rock and leaves her. She confronts him about this and craziness appears!

The Cons Discord isn't the most likable character and that shines through in this story. Some conflicts in this story would've easily been solved if he had explained why he does what he does. This story sometimes can have the appearance of a dream; wonky and craziness. That isn't necessarily a bad thing but one should probably be wary of that before they dive in.

The Pros This story is downright hilarious! It also deserves the random tag! It would take a funny and mad genius to come up with this sort of idea! This story is also full of awkward comedy that doesn't make me groan (it actually makes me smile) and a certain wit to it. Yes, I'd most definitely recommend this story!

4941656 Thank you for the kind review. I appreciate it. :)

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