Night Fall Kingdom 117 members · 266 stories
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Group Admin

Okay, the group chat servers now have two music bots in them.

They are:

The Arcane Bot

You can use them in the voice chat of my Discord chat servers.

They are in these servers here:

Group Discord Chat:

Share And Connect:

Art-Tastic Creations:

Some rules for the music bots:

1. Please do not skip songs unless everyone agrees to do so.

2. Now whining about songs that are currently playing. If you don't like the song, mute the headphones until the next song comes up.

3. No adding a playlist unless everyone agrees on it or the voice chats are empty. In that case you have the radio to yourself, do what you want.

4. No complaining or whining if the two bots are down for maintenance/ control. No starting trouble or spreading false rumors that they are broken. This is not true and it just spreads misconception. The bots are probably just being fix/ down for maintenance. Anyone who starts drama about this will be kicked from the server.

5. Please do not invite both bots in the same chat voice channel. They cancel each other out and create an error when they are in the same voice channel together. So please try to keep WildBot in Music Chat and The Arcane Bot in Ice Club.

6. Otherwise, have fun. :)

Note: Right now I am playing spooky tales in the voice chat in the spirit of Halloween. So join and listen if you want to. :)

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