LyraAlluse Fan Group 156 members · 811 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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I have had a question about the views meter for my story, and I'm stumped...

My story, if you see the views, shows 100 or thereabouts. Now when I click on that number to review the stats, it shows total reads/views at 296.

Im confused, which is right?

I think the 100 views maybe independant views, or completely new readers to my story, and the 296 is all the combined new readers and those that are following the story from the beginning.

(And when I'm looking at my own chapters, theres a (1) with the eyeball... is that just showing 'I' am reading my own chapters? As I would hope my own views wouldn't count toward the total view count. )

Gryphon brain hurts.... 0~0

Gryphon <><

Kimono-Gryphon · 1 views ·

I'm pretty sure you have the right of it. Those 100 are how many people have read you story. However, I think chapters keep their own, separate count on who's reading. That 296 is probable a combine count of your chapter views.

100 = total readers.

296 = chapter views.

Hope this helps.

*Bawwks lightly*
Ahhh yes, thank you muchly... was confused a bit at the numbers is all...

Gryphon <><

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