I HATE Starlight Glimmer 143 members · 54 stories
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Hi. I asked this on the group's front page, but I guess that's pretty low-visibility compared to making a new thread. Anyways, I wrote a story wherein I had Twilight make Starlight watch one of the alternate timelines she created fall apart. I started it out enjoying it, tormenting Starlight with lines like:

[Her] stare fell cold on Starlight Glimmer, and sent the most wicked chill down her spine, from the top of her neck to the very last tailbone.

I mean, she had it coming. Everyone knows you can't just Barry Allen the timeline--especially not after the ponies you're affecting have saved you and everypony else from a half dozen supervillains--and expect everything to be hunky-dory ten years later (give or take). What did she expect would happen?

But the problem is, as I wrote, I had to ask why Starlight did everything she did so I could, you know, have some dialogue between her and Twilight. "You can't do this, Starlight." "Yes I can, and here's why." I needed the "here's why." So basically, my fanfic turned into a character study of Starlight Glimmer.

What I found was a pony who was actually a lot like Twilight, and was actually trying to stand up for friendship-y ideals (at least in the premiere, before she went on her revenge spree in the finale). Villagers? She calls them friends. Lost a friend to a cutie mark? Take all the cutie marks! Because friendship! Of course it's wrong, but I found she wasn't this horrible, pseudo-Marxist, dictatorial monster of a pony I wanted to make her out to be. She's a unique foil to Twilight in that she's not in it for her own ego (Trixie) or power (Sunset); she genuinely thinks she's doing the right thing. And that made writing harder because I had to actually break her down and build her back up.

“All my life I’ve believed that our cutie marks made us all so different that we couldn’t live together in harmony."

(Twilight) “And you’re not sure if you should believe [my philosophy instead]?”

“I’m not sure that I want to!” she said as the tears trickled from her eyes. “I’d have to give up everything I’ve ever held as truth and start over from scratch!”

Side note: I also found a character whose backstory was too rushed, and when removed from the 44-minute restriction of a two-part finale, I found her story was a lot easier to work with. The episodes showed too much of her fallen timelines and not enough of the twisted, disillusioned mare who caused them.

So the tl;dr of it all is, since I genuinely tried to write an "I-hate-Starlight" fanfic, but had my mind changed in the process of actually working through her motives and flaws, is this group an appropriate place to share my fanfic?

Personally, I believe a deconstruction story or rewrite of a character still belongs here because its a redo of what canon screwed up. Starlight could've been good, but she was handled like garbage.


So the tl;dr of it all is, since I genuinely tried to write an "I-hate-Starlight" fanfic, but had my mind changed in the process of actually working through her motives and flaws, is this a group an appropriate place to share my fanfic?

People here hate Starlight for the good reasons obviously. ( She is the b*tch. )

I would tolerate this if Starlight leave the show after the reformation. ( Since it was sh*t. ) And not taking over the show as the main character.


I would tolerate this if Starlight leave the show after the reformation.

I've kinda got that one covered too. I couldn't forgive myself for twisting the world I loved into a living Tartarus for the ponies who survived my writing, so I said, "Let's write a sequel where Starlight goes back and fixes that timeline." This is also my attempt to tie up the issue of "Starlight's punishment wasn't strong enough" (pronunciation: "was non-existent"). She'll have her hooves full for quite a while before the world is back to normal. And if I want, I can also write Starlight fixing all the other timelines, too. (But that's pretty ambitious. Besides, I've already implied that she'll fix them.)

Twilight: "You see, they’re not just alternate universes; they’re alternate realities. Just because we don’t live there, that doesn’t make them any less real. Starlight created them; now she has to fix them.”

“Consider it community service,” Starlight offered.

what woulf be good to is if you still have characters not forgive her right off the bat. AJ and Rainbow being prime canniest for that

I remember reading a fic where Fluttershy didn't forgive Starlight.

I did too and thaw I do like how she was the one to not forgive starlight which says volumes about fluttershy, it would be too out of character for Rainbow and AJ to not be suspicious of her, especially since they were strongly agents Discord getting redeemed right from the get-go.

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