Martianmen 51 members · 34 stories
Comments ( 18 )
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I just realized Mister Martian has a number at the end of his name, and in the processing of deciphering the number I've come up with three possibilities.

1) The number is completely random.

2) Mister Martian is seventeen years old.

3) The number has some kind of significance to Mister Martian that we don't have any clue about.

So, which is it Mister Martian?

Group Admin

4400278 Hmm... I go by many names with the number 98 at the end of them: CycloidODO98, SirReal98, Salvador98, etc.

A lot of significant events also occurred during this year, such as the death of Chris Farley to cocaine and opiates, the allegations against President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment by one of his secretaries, there was an honest to God solar eclipse, the Oklahoma City bombing occurred, and google was founded.

This number also has a much more personal significance to me, one that's very much a closely held secret.

4400278 Duh isn't it obvious. Illuminati.
Nine divided by three is three, a triangle has three sides, a triangle is the symbol of the Illuminati.
Eight flipped sideways is an infinity sign. The reach of the Illuminati is infinite.
MartianMan98 confirmed Illuminati.

4400347 I'm on to you, MartianMan98, if that is your real name Nicholas Cage.


closely held secret

held secret


I will know.

Group Admin


I'm on to you, MartianMan98, if that is your real name Nicholas Cage.

Oh no. You've figured everything out with your wit and dexterity. I now lie before you exposed as the day I was born.

4400362 All you've got to do is ask and I'll (possibly) tell. Not here, though.

4400361 don't you mean half life 3 confirmed?

4400347 it really was a important year


All you've got to do is ask and I'll (possibly) tell. Not here, though.

Be careful Cloud. If you follow there's no telling what sort of horrible trap he may have set for you. He may have a surprise pop quiz waiting for you. Just remember to be careful.

Group Admin


He may have a surprise pop quiz waiting for you.

Possibly even a philosophical question that'll send him into stasis!


Glowcloud, remember to agree apon a safe word.

I generally go for a fruit: like banana or cinnamon


Oh no. You've figured everything out with your wit and dexterity. I now lie before you exposed as the day I was born.

I now lie before you exposed as the day I was born.

exposed as the day I was born.

the day I was born.

the day I was born.

No, it's one less than what I usually have for my accounts, Flyerton99.

Hence, you are worse than me by 1.


Group Admin


Hence, you are worse than me by 1.

A sentence later...


I rest my case.



You don't get Sarcasm don't you.


Group Admin


You don't get Sarcasm don't you.

Punctuation is a period in place of a question mark when it is clear you are asking a question, along with "sarcasm" being capitalized mid-sentence for no reason whatsoever.


Not only is Martian spelled wrong in this sentence, when my name is here for reference, but it is also RACIST!


Punctuation is a period in place of a question mark when it is clear you are asking a question,

Extremely Deadpan.


Technically Planetist, since it's only against Martians.

I'm still guessing on either marriage or Bar Mitzvah.


2) Mister Martian is seventeen years old

This seems to imply that the 98 is referring to 1998.

It could be 1898, ten years after Jack the Ripper stalked the streets of London.

Because Mister Martian is Jack the Ripper!:pinkiegasp:

Oh crap...

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