Martianmen 51 members · 34 stories
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I'm not talking about the cynical people cashing in on the movement for a quick buck, I'm talking about the misguided people who truly believe in the ideology.

So, what do you think of these "true" SJWs?

EDIT: Inspired by this. Deleted.
Link to his blogpost that he copied:Here.

Also I'm happily awaiting the official first shitstorm of the group.

4386842 I think they have good intentions, just a terrible and often hypocritical way of viewing things. You can't reasonably tell me that white people can't cover songs from other ethnicities, or that the "patriarchy" is responsible for every bad thing that's ever happened to women.

What ideology? "Social justice warrior" is rightwinger dogwhistle for "people who believe in forms of equality I disagree with," like Feminazi. It has no shared ideology.

Group Admin


Also I'm happily awaiting the official first shitstorm of the group.

I'm going to bury you alive.

4386842 I'd say that the thing that irritates me the most about that Ideology is how goddamn sensitive that they all seem to be. I mean I'm not trying to straw-man the group, but they keep prattling on about "Trigger-Warnings" and "Safe-Zones" and other such nonsense. Grow some goddamn skin people!

Silly SJWs. My race and gender is better than theirs and they can't deal with it. Equality is a lie. They keep pushing and pushing, but soon they'll push too far and we'll push back. They'll see what their loudmouthed whining has bought when they're up against the wall. Them and the traitors who've thrown in with them. We're watching and waiting and we have a list.

....This is the kind of anti-SJW comment you're looking for, right?

Group Admin

4387103 SJWs are edgy and anti-SJWs have just as much edge to counter it. But you don't want to get caught in the middle when the edges collide over the internet, cuz that'll result in the death of the dignity of everyone involved. If anyone has any dignity before that happens, anyways.

4387011 I don't understand human insults. What's with all this talk of burying and sleeping? Not that I'm a robot of course, that would be silly.


rightwinger dogwhistle

I'm not sure if your serious or enacting Poe's law. Cause' that's some crazy shit.

4387103 More a mocking of their extremist ideology as it slowly withers way under it's own unjustifiable hate.

Considering that this, if it were not intentional irony, would accurately reflect the attitude of the average person that uses the phrase "social justice warrior" in all seriousness, the answer to that question would be: no, I am not.

I am not even saying that all "SJW" attitudes are good and that a lot of them can't be hideously stupid, but the term itself is an intentional insult, coined by the kind of pundits who think that mockery and ridicule is a valid way of phrasing political discourse. And that, if nothing else, is 99% the political right, in modern politics. The left wouldn't have enough actual power and popular support to get away with it without getting shouted down.


I am not even saying that all "SJW" attitudes are good and that a lot of them can't[sic] be hideously stupid

In this we are in agreement. I think most Non-SJWs are in agreement.

coined by the kind of pundits who think that mockery and ridicule is a valid way of phrasing political discourse

So both sides in around an equal amount? Also SJW isn't really insulting as much as it is the only word that really describes the kind of extreme "fighting for perceived injustice with a Malcolm X-esque" ideology that the extremist far-left has cooperatively adopted. The kind of extremism that I fight tooth-and-nail to prevent. If you have a better term then go ahead and suggest it.

The left wouldn't have enough actual power and popular support to get away with it without getting shouted down.

That's because the right is currently in Watchdog mode, if it wasn't the left would be able to get away with equally stupid shit. Because that's what political systems do, produce stupid shit when nobody's looking.


If you have a better term then go ahead and suggest it.

I'm not really obligated to do your demagoguery for you, so don't hold your breath on that. I just enjoy pointing out when you're being an idiot about your politics again. Point is, it's intentionally one-sided and you're trying to poison the well up-front when you use the term, presumably in your favour. Don't expect people with any degree of political savvy to show you any respect for that kind of intellectual dishonesty.

4387432 And that's why I didn't ask, I said that if you had any sort of term that encompasses this sort of mad extremist belief with weird nebulous ideas that permeate the far-left to say it. There isn't really any other name for people who think this way, and the word itself is only an insult though what people who identified as it did. I was never dishonest, as there isn't really a central name for this "movement" other than maybe just Extreme or Forced Social Justice, but even that doesn't really describe the people. That's why I said if you had anything that better describes them to say it, because I don't think there is anything that encompasses it so fully. Even SJW only covers it through connotation and Identification, and not literal meaning.

There isn't one because that kind of unified "movement" only exists in the imaginations of people who use terms like SJW to begin with. They're as real as McCarthyist communists. Like I said in my first post, the whole thing only exists insofar as it's an insulting name for people with opinions you disagree with. That's the only thing they actually have in common.


That's the only thing they actually have in common.

No, they all have in common an extreme perversion of progressiveness. A need to push crazy restrictions onto freedom and thought in the need to stop the kind of injustice that only they can see. I'll just link some articles to this kind of belief in action. I don't just make this shit up.

A radical fix to the world's wage gap: why not just pay women more – and pay men less? Self explanatory. Also the other articles by this person are just as bad.

White men should never hold elected positions in British universities again
I linked to an archive because it was deleted because there is justice in the world, but really this is how some people think.

In College and Hiding From Scary Ideas
I'm sorry for the biased article, but it's hard to find one that's not either praising to the gods how great this safe space thing is, or being shocked at how horrific it is.

Funny, because the only thing I'm seeing in common between all of these is that they upset you. Paying women more and men less? Relative wage levels fluctuate all the time; perfectly sensible in any culture that overpays men but underpays women for the same work. You don't want to be paid less, though, so you call it "extremist" instead. British universities? Do you even know how many people are legally entitled to UK citizenship under Commonwealth Law because of that whole "former British Empire?" thing? Let me give you a hint: 99.9% are not white. Guess how how many of them hold elected positions within the British educational system, though. It's not nearly proportional, and that's not because they're just genetically inferior and constitutionally incapable of holding the same degree of higher education. You're white, though, so you want yourself represented, not the proportionally largest subsection of the population.

I didn't even bother reading your third link and the same doesn't apply to every example you could give, but by this point I'm pretty sure it applies to a lot of them: You don't like it.

And that's really all there is to it.


Relative wage levels fluctuate all the time; perfectly sensible in any culture that overpays men but underpays women for the same work.

any culture that overpays men but underpays women for the same work

same work

I love when when I'm talking to people who actually don't know what they're talking about.

You don't want to be paid less, though, so you call it "extremist" instead

That, and I find the entire concept of paying people less for the same work based on their gender monstrous. Which is why we have laws and systems in place to prevent this. Any actual pay gap that's been "found" is in Aggregate or so small it barely exists.

You're white, though, so you want yourself represented, not the proportionally largest subsection of the population.

I'm not suggesting less people of color in universities, I'm saying that people shouldn't be barred from universities en masse based on their skin color.

I didn't even bother reading your third link and the same doesn't apply to every example you could give, but by this point I'm pretty sure it applies to a lot of them: You don't like it.

That, And they're all attempting to silence or censor ideas/people that they think aren't progressive enough. They're are super conservative religious nuts that I equally don't agree with, but they're neither part of Social Justice nor extremist authoritarian. So they're not SJWs.

I actually do think there is a single ideology/mind-set that's out there that can be identified as "SJW", and the articles I gave you should at least make you skeptical that this is actually a thing.


I love when when I'm talking to people who actually don't know what they're talking about.

I'm sure you must love talking to yourself, then. You're being provincialist, the idea that the same things you're used to don't apply universally doesn't even occur to you.

Group Admin

4387926 Alright guys, I've been letting this go on for a while, but I think it's time to either end this argument and agree to disagree, or continue it via PM. I don't want this to deteriorate any further than it already has, so don't make me have to intervene.


I'm sure you must love talking to yourself, then. You're being provincialist, the idea that the same things you're used to don't apply universally doesn't even occur to you.

Which is why I only talked about people making changes in places that I know fairly well, and I never made the claim that these things are being applied universally. None of the articles I linked to where from outside the U.S or the U.K, the two countries I know the most about.

Also, at least I didn't say something that's small enough to be considered irrelevant and immediately disappears when you factor in things like overtime, women being shorter(Yes, shorter people are actually payed less.), and women negotiating less for jobs. To the point that not even proprietors of social justice claim for there to be inequality for the same work,

4387965 The worst thing I've said is that he doesn't know what he's talking about, and he called me a "provincialist" for what I assume is some kind of mystery application of the word that doesn't coincide with any definition.

Group Admin

4388034 It's growing a bit tedious all the same. Both of you call it off or I'm locking the thread.

4386842 I prefer activists to the sjw. SJW do show problems but there ways of fixing it ends up being a bit extreme while a activist at least is willing to know they also have flaws in there argument are more likely to get support and less backlash.

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