Let's Make You Known! 793 members · 3,118 stories
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Hey, I'm Garbo. I'm the best ever at everything that has ever been and ever will be made. Srsly, I am.

I'm a proofreader/writer who sticks to shorter projects in both domains. I also design (humble) coverart, admin a few groups, and will talk your ear off about music if you give me the chance. As for what I write, I try and write unique stories more than anything else. For better or for worse, I just want to say something that nobody else has said before. I do write a decent amount of shipping, but I try to write less common pairings. Most of my work is in one-shots, if you're in to that sort of thing.

Now if all of that didn't make you want to avoid me like the plague for all time, I don't know what will.

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