☭Communism☭ 126 members · 19 stories
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Stalins Moustache
Group Admin

Have a great International worker's day comrade, may we forever fight for the rights of the proletariat and those oppressed by the countless amounts of corrupt systems in the world

Here are some of our many fellow comrades already fighting injustice all around the world

A bit violent for my tastes but hey, that might be the only way, right?

It's only the worker's holiday in countries that use the metric system; in the US the worker's holiday is not until September 7.

America: because we have to be difficult!

Never understood world days oh well gives me a excuse for a personal day.

4327951 Well, the reason for this is because International Labor Day is when it is due to a bunch of anarchists got hanged after fighting for the 8 hour day in Chicago in 1886. They were hanged because they supposedly inspired someone to throw to set off a bomb in a police station despite the fact that it could not be linked to them or their organizations. To celebrate such a holiday would be seen by conservatives as celebrating terrorists, so it is instead practiced on the opposite end of the calender.

4328627 Thank you for that information. :twilightsmile:

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