Clean Fix 2 members · 9 stories

Hi everypony, we're Clean Fix. The "Fix" is a double meaning, a way to spell "Fics" and the actual "Fix" part, using the definition meaning 'anchored to one point' - basically meaning we're "fixed to make clean fics", if you see where that came from.

Now, I don't want to point any fingers here, okay? I don't mean to target specific users or groups at all with what I'm about to say. But this is something I see frequently. All over Fimfiction.

I see clopfics. I see dirty language. I see books just loaded with naughty jokes. I see homosexual romance stories all over the place. Trust me, I know.

So, I created the group "Clean Fix" to provide a safe haven for those of us who are trying to find, well, clean fics. Now, for those of you who DO enjoy any of the above mentioned content in your reading material, please don't take this the wrong way. We're not judging you as a person or anything like that. We're not trying to start a war here, not trying to toss some insults. We simply want to provide a safe haven of clean entertainment for our readers.

Hope you enjoy your stay with us!
-PL4SM0D1UM, "Clean Fix" founder

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