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The Enterprise. Arguably the main star of the Star Trek franchise, and one of the most iconic ships in sci-fi history. There have been many incarnations of this ship over the years, and I thought I'd give my own personal rankings on each one, from most favorite to least favorite. I am also including the Mirror Universe versions whenever possible.

1. USS Enterprise NCC-1701 (refit)

They say you can’t improve on the perfection of an original. This model is proof that that isn’t always the case.

2. USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A

Believe it or not, I used to be a lot harsher on this one, writing it off as a cheap copy of the TMP-refit, but I’ve slowly warmed up to her over the years. It’s just a pity we didn’t get to see her in her prime.

3. USS Enterprise NCC-1701

It’s the one that revolutionized starship designs forever. What’s not to love?

3a. ISS Enterprise NCC-1701 (Mirror Universe)

It’s like the original Enterprise…but EEEEEEEVILLLLLLL!!!

4. USS Enterprise NCC-1701 (Star Trek: Discovery)

She won’t ever replace the original, but this is still a pretty good visual update of the classic design.

5. USS Enterprise NCC-1701 (Kelvin Timeline)

Most Trekkies hate it with a fiery passion. I am not most Trekkies. And that’s all I’mma say about that.

6. USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E

Sleek, elegant, powerful…truly a vessel worthy of the name “Enterprise”.

7. USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B

This one needs more love. Yeah, she didn’t have everything operational before Tuesday, but there’s loads of potential and unwritten history in this girl.

8. USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A (Kelvin Timeline)

Definitely closer to the look of the original than her predecessor, but there’s something about the shape of the nacelles that feels…off.

9. USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C

The only ship to bear the name that needed to be blown up. Nice little design, though. And I actually like it better than…

10. USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D

Most Trekkies love this one. As stated before, I am not most Trekkies.

11. Enterprise NX-01

I feel like I’ve seen this one before…oh, that’s right, I have.

11a. ISS Enterprise NX-01

It’s yellow. But hey, at least it’s got a cloaking device.

12. USS Enterprise NCC-1701-J

It’s big and it’s from the future. Oh, and we actually don’t even get to see the outside of the thing in the episode it appeared in.

I think you have a heavy preference for the Constitution class. Not that that's a bad thing, there's a ton of charm in that design. I prefer the Galaxy class myself, but that's the point of the list, preference (though even I place the Sovereign class above the Galaxy class). I've got no hate for the Kelvin Enterprises, I think they look like they fit in, yeah they look a little off, but that's just someone else's take on the iconic design.
I'd never seen the Enterprise J before, and kind of wish it had stayed that way because it is an ugly monstrosity. Wow.

Never was a fan of the J or the Galaxy-class. The saucer's just too damn wide!

Now, the NX-class, I like. It looks like an evolution, a proper bridge between NASA and proper Star Trek. I feel like the Kelvin timeline should not have blown up the Enterprise and replaced it yet again with the A. Ridiculous.


I think you have a heavy preference for the Constitution class.

Guilty as charged. :twilightblush:

I've got no hate for the Kelvin Enterprises, I think they look like they fit in, yeah they look a little off, but that's just someone else's take on the iconic design.


I'd never seen the Enterprise J before, and kind of wish it had stayed that way because it is an ugly monstrosity. Wow.

It's stupidly big, too.


Now, the NX-class, I like. It looks like an evolution, a proper bridge between NASA and proper Star Trek.

To be fair, I don't hate the NX-class, but I definitely see why some people like to (or at least used to) refer to it as the "Akiraprise". I will say this for it, I like how they actually made sure to have a visible navigational deflector embedded in the front of the saucer, something that's a bit hit-or-miss for Starfleet ships lacking secondary hulls.

I feel like the Kelvin timeline should not have blown up the Enterprise and replaced it yet again with the A.

It's a bit too early in the 5-year mission for my liking, but I actually liked the way Enterprise's destruction in Beyond was handled. I liked how they made sure that the crew went down fighting and doing whatever they could to stave off destruction, and the Swarm was a welcome change from "bigger ship shoots big guns at Enterprise". My only gripe is that they tried to go to warp after the deflector dish was destroyed.


It's stupidly big, too.

Holy ...
At that size it's purpose needs to be a colony ship or a space station (which it obviously isn't), there is no reason whatsoever for an exploration or even war vessel to be that large, eventually it's size begins to interfere with it's operation, and let's not ignore that crew on a ship like that would be completely impractical, and coordination completely impossible.

Completely agree. Even the oddly large ships of the Kelvin Timeline seem reasonable in comparison to that monster.

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