Dazed And Confused 76 members · 33 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Anima Reaper
Group Admin

what is the most confusing thing you have ever experienced?

My toddler. He is extremely confusing. Hilarious and adorable (in my completely unbiased opinion) and the most confusing person I have ever met. One time he woke me up by climbing all over me and screaming "Horsie! Ride!" and when I said "What the heck is this?!" he climbed up to my head and pet my hair while saying "Shhh, shhh, mommy night-night, shhh, shhh." :rainbowhuh:

is this group for the curious?:rainbowderp:

dont pester me.

how do you get avatar pony

doc how do you get an avatar pony

Oh no, there is no hope. My best friend cares for horses as her job. He's going horse back riding as soon as he gets a helmet that fits, LOL.

How I mine for avatar? Check out Art for Fanfiction maybe someone there would want to draw your pony.

Is there an actual radio station for mlpfim? Is their I fell like twilight in natsiville:pinkiecrazy:

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