for this months contest I want the writing prompt to be: "the 4th wall"
4595565 As with all the contests on Fimfiction, I'll be promoting this one on my user page in an attempt to get you more contenders. Good luck!
4595565 When are the stories due?
4595849 as usual the end of the month
4595565 Is there a folder for August, or do we just upload our entries to 'Contestants'?
4596228 You may disregard my previous comment, I can't upload my fiction on account of it being too 'Meta'.
for this months contest I want the writing prompt to be:
"the 4th wall"
4595565 As with all the contests on Fimfiction, I'll be promoting this one on my user page in an attempt to get you more contenders. Good luck!
4595565 When are the stories due?
4595849 as usual the end of the month
4595565 Is there a folder for August, or do we just upload our entries to 'Contestants'?
4596228 You may disregard my previous comment, I can't upload my fiction on account of it being too 'Meta'.