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I... what do you think of this ?

Let me new if you find any other books from him that are as **** as this one

Not even going to watch that. It will probably make me feel even more angry. Just give me a summary of the video. I already have been being problematic about "Everyone Needs an AR-15."

That book you mention is simply dangerous. For one, it suggests guns are toys-the last thing you want to say to children.

long story short
tiger goes in a two rower race
everyone is picked
he has to do the race with an elephant
elephant sticks at it
tiger gets angry because he is too, "Prude-full"
so tiger backs his ore
because of that they can't move away from the WATERFALL
the story ends with them winning Second place
the the Epolag tells the reader how "Prise" is super bad
p.s. it's not Prise but Ego

also during the story he talks about the other books made by this guy
Everyone needs to own a Cannon
Elephants aren't Birds


Why do you think I'm upset about it. It's literally just encouraging the same policies which have created the mass violence in my country only even to a greater extreme.

I imagined that's precisely why you are worried. (For reference I currently live in the southern United States, where the NRA owns most of the politicians.)

I live in Florida. Its terrifying how crazy this place is. Even my mom from Texas is surprised at how crazy it is.

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