The Goodfic Bin 1,255 members · 1,297 stories
Comments ( 155 )
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Oh. Just scrolled up and it seems, 4679812 , that they tried again. I looked at the date, and I don't think I got the same one you did...I think it was actually added twice. Seeing as I joined TGB after you posted the first First Kiss submission, and... Nope, it's not in the folder. I am a stupid. Still, strange how my feed told me they added it a whole day after it was, especially seeing as I joined afterwards.

Group Admin


Informing Thespia Rose as I type, and the story will be removed promptly.

Group Admin

4750987 That's two for TR now.

Group Admin

4751140 I noticed. Hopefully number three won't happen.

Group Admin


That'll be one more. Alerting mister dude and removing from folder as I type.

EDIT: it seems it's been removed from the folder already. I suspect the author realized the mistake and took it out, so don't bother about the strike. Probs just a slip of the keyboard.

Group Admin

On it. Tale has been removed, but I'm not sure if the writer did that.

Group Admin

4784326 Wasn't me. It could have just been a mis-click.

Group Admin

4784348 Could be. I changed the folder to emphasize the word 'OTHER.' Hopefully that will catch writers' attention.

Group Admin

4784479 You never know.

Worth a shot, I suppose!

4194170 I don't actually know with this one, but I saw this:
On a hunch, I checked out coolbreeze123, and it seems to me to be an alt account. It follows only two people, one of which being the author. Again, this may need further checking out (read: definitely needs further checking out), but I'm fairly sure this is an alt. I might be wrong though, in which case I shift all blame to Spike. He did it.

Group Admin

4808473 Hmmm. I'll admit, that does look pretty sketchy...

What do you think, 4784512 ?

Group Admin

4808580 I had a look, and while the account is unusual, it seems old enough and in enough places for it to give me pause. Not to mention, the user's writing tic seems different. The possible alt doesn't space out his paragraphs, but ccc does.

I'll check again when I get home this evening, but I wouldn't recommend immediate action.

Group Admin

4808580 Moved this to skype group.

Got another person dropping too many stories at once.

Snowy Night by MariusIoannesP (added by PrinceUniversa) The Goodfic Bin / Submissions: Submit OTHER People's Work Here
Memories by Caisius (added by PrinceUniversa) The Goodfic Bin / Submissions: Submit OTHER People's Work Here
Never Forget Me by Rated Ponystar (added by PrinceUniversa) The Goodfic Bin / Submissions: Submit OTHER People's Work Here
Simple Fate, Tough Acceptance, Blessed Conclusion. by Ashardu (added by PrinceUniversa) The Goodfic Bin / Submissions: Submit OTHER People's Work Here

I just noticed while looking through my feed that the user Hopeful Soul has added at least six stories to the "Submit Other People's Work" folder today, instead of the two story per month limit...

Considering my previous comment, this has me somewhat suspicious now: Darksonickiller has added three of Hopeful Soul's stories to the folder...

Group Admin

4852171 I'll look into it when I'm not so hungover.

I think I was fine until I got to the whiskey. That bottle was supposed to last me the whole week.

Group Admin

4852171 Also, you should charge up your device. You're almost out of battery.

4847477 I already took care of that! Then again, this was two days passed... I'm still sorry for that! :raritycry:

Hopeful Soul has added two more stories to the folder now:

(p.s. I'm charging my phone for once, 4852486! :twistnerd:)

Group Admin

4855303 Already on it, actually! But thx.

Also, good on you for charging your device!

Group Admin

4855303 Conflict resolved via forceful deletion of submissions! : D

Powering down.

4868789 Right as I was just about to tell Hap about that! I feel so slow right now...

Group Admin

4868789 Well spotted. Strike. :derpytongue2:

Group Admin

4194170 Hey there. I've got a bit of a problem: Hopeful Soul, the guy who keeps submitting more stuff into our SOPWHF, is still at it. Normally, this'd be an open-shut case, but the pms I'm sending aren't appearing in my 'sent' folder, which makes me wonder if he's getting them.

Could you maybe try sending a PM and seeing if it makes a difference?

Group Admin

caught and warned

Group Admin

4927885 Sweet. I'm afraid I was stuck travelling, so I missed everything since about 30 hours ago.

Got another one.

Group Admin

Good catch, I'm on it.

Group Admin

Caught and deleted

5054679 Looks like you got here first.

Group Admin


Side Effects by Arctikfox (added by Arctikfox) The Goodfic Bin / Submissions: Submit OTHER People's Work Here

I'm only putting this here for posterity's sake: since the story can no longer be found in the relevant folder, it is my suspicion that this was simply a mistake that was quickly corrected (at least until further evidence arises). However, if anyone saw this in their feed and got suspicious, I think this ought to fix that.

My sincerest apologies for the incorrect submission; I was investigating how the submission system worked, and even though I hit cancel, it still added my own work. I'm really embarrassed. >.<

Group Admin

5217824 No probs, happens to everyone now and then. We'd only be grumpy if you did it to get around us.

Thanks for the heads up!

Group Admin

5226446 Removed and strike. Good catch.

I didn't make a screenshot for this one, but someone just added about 10 stories into the Submissions folder, instead of following the 2 per month rule...

Group Admin

5250363 They've been removed. If you have time, send this guy a message and ask him to pick two. I'd do it myself but I'm pretty busy at the moment.

Thanks. :raritywink:

I actually do have the time, but sending PMs from the mobile site suuucks... :unsuresweetie:

Group Admin

5250427 Eh, it's cool. I'll get to it later.

If I remeber... :twilightblush:

Group Admin

5427661 Thanks a bunch, I've deleted it.


5250439 Got another hit. Some guy called Sorcerer just uploaded one of his stories directly.

Group Admin


Good catch. Looks like one of the other admins already removed it. :raritywink:


(Edit: Don't ask me why I'm up so late, I don't rightly know.)

Edit2: Nevermind, seems to be resolved now.

  • Viewing 101 - 150 of 155